In my school there’s a legend about a girl who died in the girls bathroom.
Beth wasn’t popular and she didn’t have any friends. The populars would always bully her but she never told anyone about what they did or how they tortured her.
One day after school, she was fixing her hair in the girl’s bathroom mirror with her heavy, hardcover school books on the floor at her feet. One of the girls that bullied her walked in and without warning, picked up her books and hit Beth in the head with them. The blow cracked her skull and as she fell, she hit her head on the sink and died before her body hit the floor. The cowardly bully girl dropped the books and ran out of the bathroom and never told a soul about what happened.
When the night janitor found her body she became scared for her job and didn’t know what to do. She dragged Beth’s body through the halls and hid her in the basement. It’s supposed to be down there, somewhere, to this day.
If you’re daring, go into the girl’s bathroom and stand at the mirror with your school books on the floor. Look at your reflection and say “Beth I know who killed you”. I heard that she’ll appear and hit you with your school books.