Chapter 1

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I woke up to a sound like a howl. I felt numb from sleep. It came again but closer, I lay back down and decided to go back to sleep but it came again even closer, it sounded like it was in the forest behind my house, "well I guess I'm not going back to sleep." I mutter.

I was walking on the edge of the forest behind my house, what was I thinking, anything could be out here. It was dark and all I could see was black shapes. Now and then I would see a pair of eyes watching me. I could feel the ground began to soften and get a bit wet as I walked deep into the forest, I could feel bushes brush against my legs like they were telling me to stop and go back inside where it was safe. Then I heard it again, it was a whimper, like a dog was hurt. I could feel how cold it was now like all of a sudden someone was turning an air-conditioner on the closer I got to the sound. Goosebumps started clawing at my skin, I was abruptly aware at how quiet it was, there were no crickets singing their song, no birds calling out to one another, just my breathing. A twig snapped from behind me; I spun around to find a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

I stood frozen, holding my breath but the animal just kept staring back at me, like it was waiting for me to do something. It took a step forward judging if I would run or not but I just stood there frozen. It took another step toward me and then another and another; I just stood there watching unable to move any part of my body, until it was just a step away. That's when it hit me, the smell of rust the smell of blood; then I saw it, the wound on the animal's neck. It made that whimpering sound again. I lowered myself very slowly so I didn't scare the animal, I could tell what kind of animal it was now, it was a wolf but not a normal wolf, this wolf was bigger than ordinary wolves. I took of my sweater and stretched out my other hand slowly to let the wolf know I didn't mean any harm to it.

It sniffed my hand, "it's alright I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help." As if that's what it wanted to hear the wolf stepped closer, I patted it, it felt soft underneath my hand and wet where the blood had gone. Slowly I put the sweater around its neck. "It's ok," I said and made sure the bleeding was slowing; long enough to get it to my place. "Come on boy, let's go fix up your wound."

I still had the wolf with me when I was walking out of the forest and toward my place. I snuck the wolf in through the back door and into the kitchen where my mum kept the First-Aid box.

Mum and I only moved here a couple of days ago and I'm supposed to go to school in two days. See it's only been me and mum ever since I was 10 years old and my dad walked out on us for some chick he met on our last holiday together, it's been 5 years since he left and my mum said she got a job in Vancouver. It is a small town on an island outside of Portland. I was brought back to the present by a little whine behind me; I turned around and found the wolf laying on the kitchen floor looking at me.

I finally found the First-aid box and was looking though the box when the wolf whined again. "Ok, ok I know it hurts, I'm going as fast as I can." I found the bandages and stuff to clean the wound with. I knelt down next to the wolf and took the sweater off very carefully and put it in the sink, and then I started to clean the wound. Every time I touched the wound the wolf would flinch, I realised the wound was already healing; and fast. I finished by putting a bandage on to keep the wound clean. It was past 11:30, so I decided to keep the wolf for the night in my room, to make sure it was alright and also so my mum didn't freak out if she saw a wolf in the kitchen.

After cleaning up the mess I made in the kitchen, I made my way up to my room. I got some blankets out of the hall closet and made a bed on the floor next to my bed, even though my bed is a queen size bed I thought the wolf would feel more comfortable if it slept on the floor. I got into my bed and turned off the light. Then I felt something jump up on to my bed, I jumped for the light and switched it on to find the wolf standing on the end of my bed. I looked into its eyes and saw something in them. It looked like it was asking me if it could sleep on the other side of my bed. It took a step closer, and then stopped, looking from the spot next to me, to me. That doggy look in its eyes made me want to cuddle it and so, instantly I gave in and patted the spot next to me.

"Alright you can sleep in my bed but don't get any of your blood on my bed and stay on that side of the bed," I said pointing to the spot on the other side of the bed. "Got it."

To my surprise the wolf nodded like it understood me. I moved over so I wasn't in the middle of the bed but the wolf chose to lay right beside me like there wasn't enough room in the bed. It nudged my hand as if to say "pat me" so that's what I did I patted its head and not soon after that I got tired, wondering how it got the wound on its neck; like how can it heal so fast when it was so fresh? How did he get the wound? As I was dosing off I asked the question that was begging me the most "how did you get that wound on your neck?" then I drifted off to sleep.

The next thing I know I was awoken by something heavy lifting off my bed, I rolled over and tried to focus on the blur that looked like a person trying to get out of bed. Slowly my vision came back and I could see who the person was, he was around my age, dark blonde hair, a slim body but well-built. I was about to scream when he turned around and cuffed my mouth with his hand.

"When I let go promise me you won't scream?" the strange boy pleaded.

After hesitating I nodded and he dropped his hand on the bed and sat back, without waiting I blurted out, "who are you and how did you get in here? Mu---! "I was about to yell for my mum when I remembered she went to work early to get to know everyone.

With a sigh the stranger sitting on my bed said, "My name is Sam and you let me in last night."

Thinking back to last night I tried to remember letting a boy in to my house let alone my room, Defeated I whispered (because for some reason I can't seem to speak any louder now but a whisper ), "I don't remember letting you in."

He seemed amused, "think harder, I've got all day."

Now that annoyed me. I thought about last night, looked at him to see what I was missing. That's when I saw the bandage around his neck, how could I have missed it? And the eyes they were the same as the wolf's; blue. "You're the wolf aren't you?" I asked backing away and hitting my back against the wall.

He grins showing a mouth full of sharp teeth, "You've got it," he said still amused.

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