Chapter 4

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He stood there looking at the people in the room that are now standing, until his eyes landed on me, he grinned at me and then look to the side where Sam was standing, his grin widened, then here was just there, standing in front of me. I didn't have time to scream because just then he picked me up and throw me over his shoulder. With me over his shoulder he looked at Sam one more time challenging him to do something. While carrying me, he started running out the door.

Out in the hall we were heading towards the girls toilets. When we got to the toilets he open it, put me down inside then closed and locked the door.

"We should be alright here for now" he said with his back to me. Now that I can look at, without getting picked up a carried away, he was kind of hot, well-built muscles, dark short hair. He was good looking but that still didn't give him the right to go charging into a room and carrying away to the girls toilets!

When he looked around I saw the surprise in his eyes when he saw me standing there, hands into fist, body tense and glaring at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yelled at him "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THING YOU ARE DRAGING ME OUT OF FUCKING CLASS TO LOCK ME IN THE GIRLS TOILETS!" By then someone was bounding on the door but they stopped when they heard me.

"Unlock that fucking door now and let me out." I whispered.

In a daze he just stood there looking at me until I yell "NOW!" he unlocked the door and stepped away from it. I walked up to him and said thankyou then opened the door and right there in front of me was almost everyone in the school and in front of them who I think was banging on the door was Sam. When I took a step forward everyone move out of the way and let me walk out of school.

Back at home I turn up the music, heavy metal was playing. I was walked to the kitchen to see what mum brought home for dinner last night, I found wine on the bench, I took a mouth full of the stuff and walked out to the living room where the music was blasting out of the speakers and turn it off, all it was doing was making me crankier. Instead I turned on the TV and watched it. It must have been 2 hours later that I heard someone knocking on my door. Mum still hadn't gotten home so it was just me. I didn't bother to get up; I just sat thinking they would just go away.

Today had gone bad enough I didn't need some seller's person saying I needed to buy something. I looked at the bottle in my hand and realised I'd almost drank the whole bottle and remembered why I was home and not at school.

That guy had kidnapped me out of class just to put me in the girl's bathroom and then I yell at him to let me go then I was walking out and hearing Sam yelling at him "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DONG HERE---NO WAIT WHY DID YOU---." I stopped listening after that and just went home, no one even tried to stop me. So here I was drinking my mums wine and someone knocking on my door. That knocking sound was really getting on my last nerve.

"Alright! I'm coming, I'm coming" I slurred. I guess I had a little too much to drink, all well I deserved it after the day I had.

I got up a little unsteady and walked to the door and unlock it then open it. There standing at my door was Sam and the guy who kidnapped me.

"What the hell are you doing here and why did you bring him?" I asked while leaning on the door for support.

"Looks like my little devil is drinking without me" Sam said with that god dam smirk of his.

"I was not drinking" I said defencelessly.

Sam locked my hand hanging at my side; I looked down and saw the bottle of wine. Sam took a step forward and took the bottle while pushing past me and saying "I'll take that."


"Come on Derek"

The guy standing outside started to walk in and I quickly shut the door but dam he was fast and got in before I could slam it in his face. They walked into the living room and sat on the coach.

"Dru, this is my brother Derek" Sam introduced.

I stared at them like they've grown another head. They do look the same kind of but Derek looks older but not that much older. They both have the same dark brown hair that comes short of their shoulders. They both wear tight jeans and tight shorts like they brought a size smaller.

"Brothers?" I asked lamely

"Yeah brothers, well twins, he was a few hours earlier than me." Sam explained.

"Oh." That was all I could say.

I didn't feel so good now. I kind of feel like the ground fell away. I must have made a whimpering sound because they were suddenly there holding me up on each side, Sam had his hand on my back and the other at my elbow, and Derek had his hand around my waist and the other on my other elbow.

"Guys I don't feel so good" I whimpered.

"Hey! Hold it in. where's the bathroom" Derek asked holding me up because Sam went to find the bathroom.

"Over here" Sam yelled

Derek started to walk to the bathroom with me but after swaying and tripping over my own feet he gave up and carried me to the bathroom, we just got there and Derek was putting me down when the first wave of sickness took over and I throw up in the toilet.

Sam held my hair saying to Derek "Go get some for Dru."

Derek went in search for a glass of water and Sam stayed behind making soothing sounds. When I stopped throwing my guts up, Derek gave me the glass of water but I was shaking that much the glass almost fell out of my grasp if not for Derek it would have crashed on the ground.

"Easy there." He said concerned and hold the glass to me lips and I took a shaking sip. After I drained the water Sam picked me up and carried me to my room, I guess he has a good memory, he told Derek to pull me covers back and he put me down in the centre of the bed, Derek pulled the blanket up to my chin and stood back.

"We'll talk when you're feeling better and not as drunk" Sam said with a smirk.

At that moment I didn't want to be alone in this house my hand shot out to catch someone's hand anyone's hand, the hand I grabbed was Derek's.

"Please don't go," I pleaded "don't leave me alone" I pleaded with my voice and with my eyes.

Sam and Derek looked at me then at each other, they looked at each other that long I thought they weren't going to stay, and then finial they nodded.

"We won't go anywhere; we will still be here when you wake up." Sam promised


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