Chapter 6

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Sam and Derek got me to my room and on to my bed where I laid there just staring at nothing. She's coming back; I know she will. She won't leave me here alone in the world. I'm her daughter she won't leave me, she won't. She won't.

Sam and Derek walked out of my room some time ago but I could still hear them. They were arguing but I couldn't quite catch what about but I did catch my name a few times. After sometime I must have fallen to sleep because I woke up to the smell of bacon and toast. It was just a dream mum is still alive, I knew is wouldn't live me.

I ran out to the kitchen thing this but stopped when I saw Derek there in the kitchen and all my hope ran out of me and the live I just went out of me. I couldn't feel anything; no pain, no happiness, no sadness, nothing.

"so it wasn't a dream, it was real" I said in that empty voice walking back to my bedroom, where I picked up a photo of mum and I are packing up our old house, smiling with the house in the background. Walking to my bed, I crawl under the covers. Sitting at the head of my bed, staring at the picture and remembering the way mum smiled that day and so many times before.

I must have fallen asleep some time ago, I looked around with sleepy eyes and tear streaked checks. It was dark now or close to it. Sitting up I heard some noise coming from the living room then a crash from the door hitting the wall. It was silent for a second then arguing broke out and Derek came running in my room he stopped and looked at me then in a low, controlled calm voice he said

"We have to go" he walked over to me closet and started pulling my clothes out and putting them in bags.

"Why? What happened? Where are we going" I asked still sitting on my bed.

"We are going to my house. We will explain on the way." He answered.

"Oh" that was all I could say, stunned in to silence I didn't say anything else. What was happening, first my dad then my mum and now this? What else is going to hap---?

"If you want something, you better get it now." Derek interrupted my thoughts.

I quickly got out of bed and run into my mum's room. I packed some of mum's clothes then I went to mum's jewellery box and got out her favourite necklace that she wore nearly all the time. I didn't think I would find it because she rarely took it off. I then went back into my room to get the photo of me and her.

"Okay I got everything." I said to Derek who was just finishing emptying my closet of clothes.

"Okay lets go" right then Sam appeared in the door way.

"Ready?" Sam asked puffed.

"Yeah, let's go" Derek replied.

We rushed out of the house that I was hoping to call home with mum still living with me. I can't believe she's gone the only one that was left that I liked, the one who took care of me for all my childhood.

We headed to a pickup truck that was sitting in front of my house or now the hose since it doesn't look like I'm coming back. Too bad I like that house. I thought to myself.

Derek helped me up into the pickup truck then got in after me and Sam got behind the wheel. I guess this is his car/truck. I thought. The car was one of those old trucks with a bench seat instead of a two seats. So I was sitting between Sam and Derek. Sam started the car and we were off to where ever the boys desired to take me and by the looks of it, I'm going to be here for a long time.

"So are you guys going to tell me where we are going?" I asked.

"Umm. . . ." Derek said, and then looked at Sam who was looking at him in return.

For a few miles they were silent finally Sam told me.

"We are going to our house in the woods. . . "He paused. I looked at Derek but he just looked at Sam, so I looked back at Sam, they were doing that thing again, talking but not talking out loud, it was kind of weird when they were doing that.

"So one of you going to talk or are we going to have the rest of the drive in silence?" I asked the two boys on either side of me.

They both looked at me then at each other, still doing that talking without talking thing, it is really getting on my nerves and I didn't' think I had any left.

"You know how your mother was in a car crash" Sam said carefully. "Well I went and research it because it didn't sound right. . . "He paused again. That too was getting on my nerves, why doesn't he just spit it out already.

"Just spit it out" I said annoyed.

"Well. . . . Um. . . . . . OK." He said in defeat. "Your mum wasn't in a car crash, well she was but someone plan it and you were supposed to be in the car with her. The people who did it are now looking for you because they made a mistake when only one body was found. The people who killed your mum are from a wolf pack, well actually they are from a werewolf pack and now there are coming for you." he finished.

"Oh. . ." is all that I could say. The rest of the car drive was silent. I wasn't scared or worried that there was werewolves, I read to much not to believe in some of the things said in fairy tales, no the part that scared me was that people/things were coming after me and if the succeeded. . . . I was going to . . . die.


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