Chapter 5

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After that I fell asleep with my hand still clenching Derek's hand. I woke up to someone moving around in the house. My first thought was someone broke in, my second thought was mum came home early from work.

"Mum. . ." I called out still a bit sleepy.

Instead of mum walking in it was Derek, then I remembered what happened, 'I was drunk and they came to my house Sam and Derek, I throw up and they carried me to bed to rest and I asked them to stay.'

"Sorry but mama isn't here only me Sam went to take care of some business" he said.

I tried to sit but my head was still dizzy and it hurt a bit. Derek moved so fast I didn't see him move. He helped me sit up.

"Are you alright" he asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy and sore." I said holding my head, and murmured under my breath "Shouldn't have drunk so much vodka."

Derek laughed "Yeah, I guess that's kind of my fault"

I look at him startled that he herd me, then I thought of what he said, I glared at him "yeah, it is"

He just laughed harder. Hearing someone else laugh in this house was nice to hear. I closed my eyes and listened to him laugh and my worries wash away. I smiled to myself, just a couple of hours ago this guy dragged me out of class to the girl's toilets and now he's in my room laughing.

He had stopped laughing some time ago and was sitting there. I opened my eyes and asked "what?"

"Nothing, you hungry?" he asked changing the subject.

"Yeah" I said confused. I moved to get out of bed but Derek insisted to help me out to the kitchen and sat me down on the bench.

"So what is there to eat?" I asked. Derek gave me a look that said 'why are you asking me you should know' "what"

He just kept looking at me, looked around the house and back at me pointedly. "This is your house right?" he asked wearily.

"Yeah just move in but I don't know what my mum buys and I never see her, so what she buys I found out when I get hunger" I answered.

He looked in the fridge, in the cubits, then back at me.

"So . . . what can we make" I asked amused, it was very amusing watch this boy.

"Hamburgers?" he asked

That was it, I couldn't have laughing when he looked back at me with that look of hope on his face when he asked for hamburgers, and it felt good to laugh so I couldn't stop laughing till my belly hurt and I was crying .

"I'm . . . I'm sorry" I said between grasps of air. "The look on your face when you turned around and looked at me." At his confused look, a set me into giggles.

After a while I settled down enough to know Derek had started cooking. It had become dark outside, my won't be home until late and anyway I'm looking forward to eating Derek food. Derek moved around like he knows where everything is, maybe that is what he was doing earlier.

I felt a sharp stab of pain in my chest and my good mood was gone. It's been a while since I've seen a guy in my kitchen. It was like I got my dad back for a bit if I closed my eyes I could see him moving around in the kitchen preparing dinner for mum and me.

In my little daydream someone walked in the door and shut it behind them.

"Hey, something smells good" I heard Sam yell from the hallway. A few minutes he was standing beside me in the kitchen.

"Yeah were having hamburgers" I giggled.

Sam looked at me when I giggled.

"So you're feeling better I see"

"Yeah a bit sore and dizzy but better"

Sam walked over to Derek and reached to grab some cheese but Derek slapped his hand away "You can wait like Dru is for these."

Sam pretended to pout and walked back over to me. "So why is Derek in the kitchen and not you?"

"Well, for one thing he offered—"

"I did not offer" Derek interrupted

"And second I didn't know what there was to eat"

Sam gave me the same look Derek gave me earlier, then looked at Derek, as if Derek knew what his brother was thinking he said "Yeah it's her house but is don't do the shopping her mum does and she doesn't see her mum much." He said all that without turning around or missing a step in cooking our hamburger.

Sam turned back around "oh so you live in this house all by yourself"

"Well not all the time, mum is here sometimes".

We sat in front of the TV and eat our hamburgers which tasted great. On TV the news was on, I don't know who choose to put on but I didn't really care. We finished dinner and was putting the dishes in the sink when the TV announced breaking news about a car crash. Sam walked over to the TV and turned it up.

". . . Middle-aged women died from car- crash in to the ocean. Police believe the woman was drinking and was on her way home when she lost control of the car and went over the edge of the cliff. . . "And that's when they showed the picture of the woman. It felt like my blood was leaking out of my feet, I was dizzy again, feeling sick like I was drunk again. Derek and Sam were talking but I couldn't hear them all I could hear was white noise. I couldn't keep my eyes of the picture on the screen, that picture was draining my life away. When the picture final went of screen or maybe it was someone turning the TV off, I don't know, I was sitting down now, not on a chair but on the floor I front of the TV, just staring at the screen. I would know that face from anywhere, that face was burned into my memory from birth, even if it was bleeding and mashed like it is, I would still now it. That face was my. . .

". . . Mum." I said in a small voice

"What?" Sam asked

"Mum . . . mum . . . mum . . . mum why" I kept saying over and over in that small child-like voice.


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