Fall Back Together

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Maybe this wasn't the best way

But we both fell apart and began to care too late

I know these words I should keep locked away

But something in my mind is telling me stay

If only you could hear these words spoken

Instead you're reading the words written

I swear this is the last time you'll hear from me

And I swear I don't want you to feel guilty

But you said said you can see the pain in me

But can't you see the death in my heart without you

My heart is trying to find a cure without a slightest clue of what to do

Nothing is working and I can't keep trying to piece the shattered together

Its like a broken vase, broken beyond repair

But please give me hope, tell me you still care

Tell me that there is still hope here

That I don't have wasted thoughts and tears

That we won't just disappear and fade to nothing

That we can still work nothing even to slightest something

Because I'm pouring my heart in the best way I know how

And I hope you'll get it somehow

Just please....

Do you miss me?

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