Silver Horizons | 19

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I was never really one to break the rules. Even when I was little I hated breaking the rules. Hell, a few months ago I hated breaking the rules.

            I wasn’t exactly sure if letting the zombies in was breaking the rules, because there was never a concrete rule book. But technically letting the zombies in would be setting Georgia’s death in stone and our escape into action, thus pissing Georgia off. In all, I would classify that as breaking the rules.

            And even if that wasn’t, I was sure that visiting Sam again was against the rules since we were specifically told not to go into the laboratory.

            “He said this is the only place that’s safe from wandering ears,” Forest said, looking at me briefly. I saw a spark of distrust in his eyes, but I also knew that we had no other choice.

            I shrugged. “I guess so.”

            We sat down at the table that Sam had directed us to the last time we were in here and waited. Kyle looked like he was about to pee his pants, and I didn’t blame him. He wasn’t the type to break the rules either, and obviously he didn’t do well in masking his discomfort.

            It took some time but I finally broke him down and he agreed to promise to not leave Kyle behind. Even though he quickly amended his promise to “I won’t leave the kid behind if he doesn’t screw anything up for us”, but he still agreed and that was all I cared about.

            “Is he even coming?” wondered Forest irritably. “That ass better come.”

            Before I could respond, Connor came into the room. He had his hood up over his blond mass of hair with a stony look on his face. It didn’t take much for me to convince him to help us out, albeit I was sure that he was hesitant for a bit.

            We told him to meet us here like Sam had said. Now everyone was here…but Sam.

            Connor seemed to be thinking the same thing as Forest, because he asked, “Where is that asshole you were talking about?”

            I scoffed, biting my nail a little. “You don’t know if he’s an asshole or not. You haven’t even met him.” Even now I was a little worried that he wouldn’t show. That ass.

            Connor shrugged. “Guessed, I s’pose. Probably is though.”

            “He’s here to help us, you guys,” I explained to Forest and Connor with a sigh once Connor was seated in between Kyle and Forest. “It’s not like he’s setting us up or anything.”

            “That’s what you think,” Connor replied. “Never know what he’s got up his sleeve. Might be sending them in right now.”

            I sighed, giving up. Connor could be right, although I hated to admit it. Sam could very well have set us up. Georgia and her goon could’ve been coming in through that right at that very minute to chain us up and throw us out to the zombies. It wasn’t exactly her style to turn us into an example to everybody else for what happens to people who try to bend her trust and test her patience.

Silver Horizons (Silver Horizons #1)Where stories live. Discover now