Forest's POV

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Okay this is just for fun to see inside Forest's mind. This is also the perfect segwey to Silver Seas. There are things that you didn't know about Forest in the first book, and this little short story basically tips you off onto pretty much all of his secrets. 

If you're confused at the end of this, it will be elaborated on in Silver Seas, which have a prologue soon. I hope you guys don't hate Forest after this! Oh yes and this whole thing is Forest thinking back onto the past. At the very end, it's Forest thinking in present tense. I didn't fuck my tenses up, trust me, lol. It's intentional. 

It isn't much, but it's something! Don't forget to comment and vote (: ilyasm for reading this story. I never thought it would develop this much.

I hope you don't hate it too much!

                                    * * * * * 

There are some qualities in life that I never appreciated before the zombie apocalypse.

            For example, I never appreciated the carelessness that occurred in everyday life. People walked down the streets without a care in the world (most people, anyway. There were still those paranoid people). They didn’t expect a corpse to pop up from the dead and take a chunk of their skin off, ultimately turning them to the living dead as well.

            I also never appreciated the money that my parents made. My mother was a nurse, which was a very good field for her to have studied, especially since the zombie apocalypse went down and all that. She was able to care for those injured people that came to our house.

            And the last thing that I never appreciated in the Before was the privacy that I maintained.

            In the Before, random strangers didn’t show up at our door with a bleeding whatever, requesting help. In the Before, we didn’t have to kick people out of our house because they had been bitten by a zombie and were going to be a danger to us.

            In the Before, there were no zombies.

            And now we were approaching the After, and I didn’t want to think about the horrors that awaited me.

“Dad, someone’s at the door!” I yelled from my sitting position on the couch.

            I wasn’t doing anything in particular. There wasn’t exactly anything that I could do anymore other than sit around and do nothing. The zombie apocalypse did that to you; it gave you absolutely nothing to do other than survive.

            “Jesus Christ,” Dad grumbled. He walked down the stairs with a rag in his hands. He tossed it to the ground before picking up the shotgun. “How many more crazies are going to come our way before we get a break?”

            I shrugged before I realized that Dad couldn’t see me.

            “I just want to live my life protecting my family from zombies. The already dead kind. No the just-bitten-and-need-help kind.”

            I couldn’t agree more.

            “Stay in there, son.”

            Dad flung the door open, his shotgun poised at the people on the other side.

            “Who the hell are you?” he demanded in his no-nonsense voice. I found it pretty intimidating. “Why are you at my house?”

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