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Sawnik sat in the dragon's stomach. She could feel the acids already dissolving her skin. She thought about her friends.

"Could they be dead? No, Nekno would have eaten them as a prize. Why did I freeze up? Why couldn't I fight? I'm supposed to be strong, to be the leader... and I just let everyone down." She no longer fought the tears. They overwhelmed her to the point where she could no longer see.

She pulled out her spear and looked into her reflection. Her blue hair was stained in blood and her face was covered in the remnants of the smoke that was blown on her before she was eaten.

"I guess this is my fate now, being eaten by a stupid reptile. And I can't even say I gave it my all." She sat in the fetal position and cried for a while. She thought about the memories she and her friends had talked about on the way to their final resting place. She refused to let these memories, or her friends, die.

Filled with a new confidence she stood in the acid, seeing that her boots and part of her pant legs had already dissolved away. Sawnik held her spear high in the air and slammed it with all her might into the side of the dragon. She could tell this did significant damage to the beast and she continued to stab him.

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