Chapter 4

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-Logan's POV-Present Day-

"Did Julia have anything to do with it?" Lax took out a paper and pencil.

I gulped, a bit choked up. I didn't want to talk about this. "Why would she?"

"Did her passing away make you even more depressed towards this whole situation?"

"Can we please not talk about this right now."

"Then when can we?"

"NOT NOW!" I shouted at him, slamming my cuffed hands onto the table.

He jumped back, startled. "Well Logan. We're going to have to some time."

"Maybe I don't want too."

"Why not?"

"Because. I don't like talking about my mistakes."

"You killed Julia too?" Lax raised an eyebrow expressing how confused he was.

"No. I couldn't of killed her. She meant too much to me."


-Six month's ago-Logan's POV still-

I sat at the dining room table with my laptop set up directly in front of me. I was playing a game, which involved shooting people, just for no reason. I downloaded the game a while ago from a website. It was entertaining. Sometimes I would even pretend the people I was shooting in the game were my horrid classmates. Forget that though, I enjoyed the game.

While in the middle of the game, my little sister Julia, who is eleven, interrupted, coming in with her rollar skates on. "Come outside Logan!" 

"Uh, not right now. I'm busy." I wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to relax and play this game.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Whateverr." She started skating out of the room.

"Wait, don't go to far!" I warned her.

"I know I know!"

"I mean it!"

Then she was out the door, off to be a kid. Play around, use her imagination, just be herself.

About three minutes later I heard the swerve of a car and a young child scream. I paniced. 

It's hard to explain how worried I was. I instantly felt like breaking down crying. What if that was Julia.

I sprinted over to a window in front of the house and looked outside, to see a car in front of my unconcious sister. She got run over.

I placed my hand on the window. She can't be gone. Jesus please protect her. Please. I closed my eyes and felt tears stream down my face. 

I already saw my neighbors, who crowded around her, calling an ambulance. I did the only thing I could think of, call my mother at work.

I dialed her number in quickly. I waited until the last ring. "Hello, you have reached Lisa Lerman. I cannot get to the phone right now but please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!" Then I heard the beep to leave a message.

I quickly hung up and called again.





She didn't pick up. I dropped the phone and ran back over to the window. Julia was being lifted into the ambulance truck. She was gone.


"I'm sorry." Lax said.

"Yeah whatever."

"So, you don't think it had anything to do with Julia?"

"What happened to was my fault. I should of went outside." I had to force myself to not cry.

"You didn't know."

"I wish I did."


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