Chapter 8

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-Logan’s POV-Day of shooting-

After picking up that little girl’s ball I proceeded with my plan. I walked into the school, only attending first period.

Once second period hit I grabbed the chains from my bag, locking all the exits to the doors so no one will be able to save my classmates from their death.

Timmy was already sending out the message instructing everyone to skip third period and report to the gym.

I sat on the bleachers as I watched the kids walk in crowds into the gym. I jumped off the bleachers once I spotted my first victim. Michael Ray.

I went behind him and aimed the gun at the back of his head. I wanted to get his attention before I shot him dead. “Hey Michael, Got any spare change?

Michael turned around, his jaw dropping once he saw me with a gun aimed at his face. “Logan…”

“I’M THE ONE TALKING NOW.” I screamed into this face before pulling the trigger. Bye bye Michael.

After shooting the first bullet, everyone went crazy. People running in all directions, left and right. I hopped back onto the top of the bleachers, shooting in the air and yelling at everyone to get down.

Everyone did as I said. Once everyone was down I pointed my gone towards Jake Green.

“Jake! Would you be so kind to come up here and take a bow? It’s your turn Jake! Come on! GET UP HERE!” I demanded him.

He nervously got up, shaking, which I loved. “Come on, get up here!”

He got to the front, looking at everyone hopelessly, before running towards the exit. I shot him in the leg, making him fall.

I hopped off the bleachers once again and made my way towards him. “You forgot to take a bow Jake.” I could see his bone sticking out. “Oh well.” I shot him in the gut.

I turned back to the group of students down on the floor, all shaking with fear, some even crying.

“IF ANYONE ELSE MOVES WITHOUT ME TELLING THEM TOO GETS THIS!” I held up the pipe bomb threatening everyone.

I stood in front of everyone and called up some more people who were up front.. “SUSAN, TYLER-“ I stopped for a second when I saw Selena next to Tyler. “Selena…YOU TOO.” Selena looked up at me, she was shaking like crazy, her face was bright red, but she remained silent.

They all stood in a line up front. First was Susan.

“Hello Susan.” I smirked as I watched her cry hysterically. “Ah!” I moved my gun closer to her face to frighten her, making her flinch back in fear.

“Logan!” I heard someone yell. I rolled my eyes and pointed my gun at Mr.Phelps. “Please, just put the gun down….” He started walking slowly over to me.

“I don’t want to kill you.” I kept my gun aimed at him.

“Please Logan.”

I shot him in the collar bone. I didn’t want to shoot, but he would of stopped me if I didn’t.

I turned back to Susan. “Ready to die?”

“Jesus. Jesus please protect me.” She pleaded silently. I kept the gun held at her head. “JESUS! PLEASE PROTECT ME!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“NOT TODAY!” I yelled in her ear before pulling the trigger. Susan Bushman? Dead.

Now Tyler, the school’s news reporter. I didn’t plan on killing him. If he lived, then he could write about me in the school’s paper, that’s what I wanted. I aimed the gun at him as he breathed heavily.

“NO!!!!!!!!” Miss. Cribbs seemed to sprout off the ground and run towards me.

I turned quickly shooting her in the jaw. Who knows if she was dying or not, but I didn’t care. Before I could decide what I wanted to do to Tyler a door opened, the police got in.

The place was a mad house again, everyone ran to the one exit the police managed to open. I threw my pipe bombs out into the crowd and started shooting randomly at people.

I looked off to the side to see Selena on the ground sobbing her eyes out. I advanced towards her holding my gun at her now. Before I did though, I shot a random girl who ran behind her, making Selena jump in fear.

I got the gun up close to her head. “I trusted you Selena.”

“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” I watched the tears run down her bright red face. “Please Logan.”

I glared at her.

“I have my family to see. My mom, my dad, my baby sister. Please let me see them again. I’m so sorry I did that to you.”

“Be lucky you have family.” I mumbled.

“Would your family be proud, if they were still around?” Oh Selena, always had to be the wise guy.


“Logan, please.” She chocked out. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we met. Please don’t kill me. Please.” She shook her head. “Please.”

I slowly brought down my gun, holding it beside me. I heard the kid’s screams even clearer now. It was hard to wrap around my brain what I’ve done.

I hit Selena in the face with the tip of my gun, and then turned around, walking towards the exit where the last couple kids were getting out. I was grabbed by the police, being carried off the prison. I was now officially a murderer.

-Present Day-

“It’s funny. Just a day ago she was ashamed to talk to me in front of her new friends. Now Selena was begging me to keep her life.” I tried explaining to Lax.

He nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

“You know how great it is to have that kind of power? The ones who once looked down on you, now listening to you. It’s crazy, but indeed great.” I smirked. “Complete power.”

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