Chapter One: Arrange Marriage

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"Brittany, you're so annoying." Ashton says while Brittany throws him a dozen of crumpled paper.

"Can't help it, Ash, I am either freaking bored nor Freaking happy." Brittany replies while still throwing paper at Ashton.

"Hey Guys." Calum, Michael and Luke said in unison, which eventually made Brittany stop with all her commotion.

"Hey Guys, nice to see you around here." Brittany says then grabbed a copy of Vogue magazine.

"How was the trip to Paris? Did you guys work out?" Calum asks.

"It was..." Brittany says nervously, then bites her lip.

"Awful." Brittany and Ashton said in unison.

Calum, Michael and Luke exchanged looks.

"I knew it, I should have called Zac Efron to have you guys arrangely married." Luke said then put his hands on his face "Damn, failed again."

"Sorry." Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke said in unison.

"Guys, it's okay." Brittany then, puts her arms around Michael and Calum's shoulders, also signing Ashton and Luke to come over "I'm just going to find someone who will make my life happy nor find someone who I'll be secretly marrying and live together for eternity."

"What?" A confused Ashton asks.

Brittany chuckled, "Lets just say that, I only want you guys in my horrible life, POWER HUG!"

They all pulled in to a big hug.

Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke all said in a quiet tone "I Love you."

"What did you guys say?" Brittany asks then scratches her head.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

"Lets just have Starbucks, k?"

They all rapidly nodded.

"Selfie first." Brittany hands out her Iphone 6s.

They took a pictire together, with a text 'Better Together'

@BrittanyRoyals : Better Together with these guys #5SOSFamplusme #Friendsforevermore #BFFs #Boyfriendswithaspace :) ( Content : Selfie of Brittany and 5SOS )

"Lets go?" Brittany asks.

They all rapidly nodded.

They went to a nearby mall, which loads of People are there.

"How can we not be recognized here, this place is so damn crowded!" Luke says in a tense tone.

"I got ya." Brittany winks and smirks.

"Hey Guys! 5SOS is here!" Brittany yells which made thousands of screaming fangirls go to them.

"Calum Be Mine!"

"Luke, would you marry me?"

"Michael, kiss me!"

"Ashton, can you go to our house?"

Within a matter of minutes, 2,400,756 people are there hugging 5SOS.

"Brittany." They said in unison and in a dissapointing tone.

Brittany chuckled, she didn't care how many fanhirls were there screaming and hugging her friends, she only cares about the quality of the video she was shooting.

"Smile guys, don't be grumpy!" Brittany says as she holds her phone, videotaping the whole scene.

"In 3..2...1.... Done." Brittany puts her phone on her pocket "Bye Dopes."

@BrittanyRoyals: These chumps are so dead. Hahahahahaha.
#FiveSecondsOfFansfangirlingandScreaming #Morons
(Content: Video of 5SOS being attacked by fans)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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