How I got Jeff

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I found a little baby turtle wandering in the street, he was like Raphael from ninja turtles. He was pooping.

I took him home and named him Jeff.

We liked pooping on each other like the crazy butts we are. One night I saw him sneak out and went to a

POOPING COMPETITION, he won and I felt proud. Jeff for the past few years has won 1st place in POOPING.

We love to poop everywhere we go but there was this day Jeff was pooping EVERYWHERE so I decided to....


Then eventually he died of pooping.

I think he ran out of poop. What do you think? Yah I guess but he hold the the world record of "Most poop pooped in 30 seconds" he pooped 1,500 poop in 30 seconds imagine that!?!

Thanks BiancaMontes9 for the suggestions!

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