Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Daniel! Hurry up in there!" I yelled at my older brother who was taking way too long in the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a minute, Jesus Christ woman." He muttered the last part because he knows how much I hate being called 'woman'. I then started yelling at him in Italian.

"Don't call me woman!" I yelled in Italian, I tend to do this quite often because it just confuses the hell out of him which is, if I'm being honest, pretty freaking hilarious.

"Alright alright! I'm out.." He muttered as he left the bathroom with his mousey brown hair gelled up in a perfect quiff. Jeez, no wonder he took so long. I smirked in victory watching him as he trudged his way downstairs. I locked the door and got to work, today is the first day back at school and I wanted to look good.

I had already showered so my long chocolatey locks have already fallen into their natural curl. I decided to slick my hair back in a half up hairstyle keeping my fringe out then pinning it back to keep it out of my face during class. As for makeup, I applied concealer under my eyes, because I was blessed with natural Cicillian bags. Note the use of sarcasm.

I applied a coat of mascara to my long lashes then applied a natural dark pink lipstick. I then brushed my eyebrows and I was done my everyday makeup routine. I know it's not much but I don't really like wearing too much makeup.

I then put on my outfit I laid out last night, I like to pre plan my outfits sometimes because it just saves me time in the morning. My outfit was a bit more dressy than what I would normally wear to school but I figured that since it's the first day back I would try and make somewhat of an effort. I wore a sleeveless black crop top that had the Chanel logo on it. I wore that with a black high waisted circle skirt and pointed white heels that weren't too high. I liked wearing heels, mainly because I'm 5'1 and I would most likely get crushed or trampled on at school considering I'm way shorter than anyone else in my high school. It doesn't help that my brother and his friends are all freaking Giants!

I grabbed my floral backpack and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I had a fairly large house and my family made a good amount of money. I mean, we weren't really rich or anything but we're still quite well off.

I messed up Daniels hair when I walked past him, cause I'm an annoying little shit.

"What the hell Ari?!" Daniel whined as I walked past him, I was just laughing at his expense. Like I said I'm an annoying little shit.

"Relax pretty boy, it looks better that way anyway." I said once I finished my laughing fit.

"Your so annoying, you know that?" He said pretending to be angry but holding back a smile.

"Yeah I know, but you love me!" I exclaimed, trapping him in a hug. He chuckled and hugged back before letting me go and fetching me a bowl of fruit loops.

"Thanks bro."

He smiled and then paused for a second, eyes scanning over me and his face turned hard.

"Go change." He stated in a serious tone.

"What, why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked, confused looking down at my outfit.

"What's wrong is the amount of boys that I will have to kill once I catch them staring at you in that outfit." He said firmly. I rolled my eyes, used to his protective behaviour.

"Daniel, no one is going to be staring at me. Have you seen what most of the bimbos wear to school?" I asked referring to the most popular and rich group of girls in our school. I like to call them the bimbos because that's what they are, they act all clingy and desperate around the football players e.g Daniel and other popular people in general. But if you are not on their social level you may as well be dead to them, it's pathetic really.

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