Chapter 2

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A/N - hey guys so sorry I haven't updated in ages I've just been uninspired but I re-read the first chapter and felt that this book deserved a second chance. So here you go!

"I can't believe he said that to you, what a jerk!" Maddie seethed, we were currently walking home as my brother was giving Craig a ride home today and I really am not in the mood to be near him right now.

"I know right? Like, it just came out of nowhere as well. One minute he was calling me pretty or whatever and the next I'm a tramp! I really hate Craig and his stupid mood swings." I complained as maddie nodded in agreement.

"I swear next time I see him I'll beat him up for you. No one speaks to my best friend that way, not even hottie Craig." She said determined, looking ready to fight someone.

"Ew did you just call him hot?"

"What? Oh come on! Give me a break I'm still a woman." She said exasperated, I laughed at how weird she is.


I decided that I wasn't going to let what Craig said get to me, I mean I really should be used to it by now but every time he insults me it's like a stab to the stomach and I feel slightly nauseous. I don't know why I let him have that kind of effect on me.

I heaved a sigh feeling a headache coming on I need to stop thinking about Craig and his stupid mood swings. I almost cheered when the bell ringed signalling the end of the day. As I made my way to me and Daniels car I was surprised to see 3 of Daniels football friends standing with him by the car. I suppressed an eye roll when I saw that one of them was of course Craig. I had seriously had enough of this boy today.

"Hey Ari, um the guys are coming over for pizza and to watch the game." Daniel reminded me, this was a weekly ritual last year so I honestly wasn't that surprised.

Daniel had lots of his friends but Craig, Mike and Frankie were probably his closer friends. They weren't fake friends and they had stayed loyal to this friendship since the beginning of high school which I honestly though was sweet. There's a part of me that wishes I had a group of close friends but sadly the world was full of backstabbing bitches that you can't trust. That being said I like just having one best friend, especially one as amazing as Mads we have been friends since the start of high school. I was really shy and shut off when I first moved to West-more High, not only was I entering a new school I was also entering a new life. One where I had a family that cared and a bed to sleep in, food to eat and clothes on my back. Yep life has really turned around for me.

"Ari.. Ari!" Daniel shouted snapping his fingers in my face looking worried. Dang I did it again, I tend to get caught up in my thoughts. Especially when thinking about Italy and my old life.

"Sorry." I mumbled slightly embarrassed that I just spaced out in front of everyone. I smiled at Mike and Frankie and they each gave me friendly smiles back. I avoided eye contact with Craig as though it was the plague.

Daniel chuckled whilst ruffling my hair I gasped and then proceeded to completely destroy his hairdo which he had somehow fixed yet again. This uptime instead of looking angry with me he just laughed it off and hopped into the drivers seat. I rode shotgun which the boys weren't happy with, making the three of them squish into the back. I giggled looking at them you snooze you lose suckers!

Once we reached our house I got out of the car and unlocked the door making my way into the kitchen kicking off my heels and sitting down on a bar stool. Soon Daniel, Mark, Frankie and Craig joined me in the kitchen. Daniel took a stool next to me and Frankie sat on my other side. Mark leaned against the table whilst Craig leaned against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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