Blackmist 's secret plan

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The sound of my alarm wakes me for class. I get up and walk to the lounge area. I see Elsa already in her clothes and waiting for me. I swiftly cleanse myself and dress. Grabbing my bag and walk to Magiks class with Elsa. We arrive just on time and take the two seat upfront.

"Right I want you all to do a quick presentation to show the depth and extra qualities with your powers " Mrs Ariel announces. "First will be Blackmist, Dark, Hans, Hiro, Natalie, Jack, Mickey, Silvermist, Gogo, Mia, West, Tinkerbell, Periwinkle and finally Elsa".

Blackmist strides towards the front of the class." Right to start off with I have four colours of sand. White, black, gold and aqua blue. Each one has a different purpose. Such as white for shape shifting". Blavkmost indicates to Silvermist to help her demonstrate. Silvermist walks up towards her. She blows white sand on Silvermist and she drags the sand back to her.

Blackmist body starts forming in Silvermsit . "I can also duplicate myself with gold sand"She imitates Silvermist voice . She quickly transformes back. " I can also create the power of illusion with black sand and hypnotize with aqua blue sand". She demostrates her powers and takes a seat by Dark Shadow and Silvermist.


I finish off my demonstration and so does Periwinkle. Now it's Elsa turn. She stands up and walks to the front of the class. "Well my powers are alittle different from Jack, I can create snowmen that can come to life " she smiles cutely. "I have been practicing this for awhile". Her eyes turn an ice blue and between her hands she create an ice diamond. She gently blows on it and it starts to glow with light. The diamond shatters and turns to sharp daggers beside her. She gathers it again and turns it into walking snowmen. Gathering it once more and the snowflakes form an ocean themed crown on Mrs Ariel hair ."Well done. I give you a A+ for that " Mrs Ariel states while examining the crown .

Time skip

We walk back to the dormitary and we see Blackmist running off into the remote side of the dormitories . Elsa and I quietly follow her. Blackmist uses her wings to fly and she stays in the air while staring at the moon. "Man in the moon. I seek your help. Guide me to be the daughter Pitch expects me to be. Guide me on this mission. I seek help on trying to fulfill my father wish which is for me to kill Elsa and Jack for his immortality. Help me to help him ". Elsa eyes widen in shock and so does mine.

"I don't want to kill anybody, but why, why? I am not only that you make me a creature of horror. A creature like him " she carrys on talking. "I'm a nightmare. An angel of darkness but my power is somehow pure. What am I suppose to do?". Soon enough black sand rises in front of her and splits to reveal Pitch. "Dad what you doing?!" Emma Black! Why are you talking to him? You know you can't reveal your identity or speak like this in the open. Anyone can hear!" Pitch slaps her down to the ground. Slightly shaking the ground.

Why is her first name Emma? That was my sister name before I became Jack Frost. "Dad you call me Emma. You still have not told why you call me Emma bit the rest has to call me Blackmist" "Oh I didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what? "

"Jack wasn't that your sisters name?"Yes Elsa you right "I whisper back to her. After all I have told Elsa my backstory.

"Well Emma, you are Jack sister" Pitch says. How could I not recognize  her! "What!? Now why  am I killing him? "Well Emma after he died and your parents died a week later who else would take you in? So be grateful i found you. Now Jack is the strongest in that whole academy including Elsa and my body is too weak to retrieve their full power but you my dear is strong enough ". I feel like I want to punch him for doing this to her.

"Now I must kill both of them? "That is correct ". He disappears leaving Blackmist alone. We walking back to the dormitary. "I'm really sorry you had to find out about your sister like this " It's fine snowflake but I'm wondering " What? "How did she become so evil?" Jack, you heard Pitch took her in, Pitch, that man probably gave her that evil ways"You right, maybe " Now good I don't want my Frosty to be sad" Fine ". I flash her a smirk.

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