Viking or Dragon? Chapter 3

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/Hello readers! I am glad you guys have enjoyed this story so far. Creating is really fun for me. Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. If you do please spread this story to others, thank you very much for reading. For you guys who don't read summarize, Toothless is replaced with an OC in this story/

Viking or Night Fury

Hiccup still didn't accept this new name of his entirely. His name was Hiccup. Though the fear of making the female Night Fury named Asterisk angry He decided to keep it... for now. He was kind of used to being around a dragon now because he was with her for a full twenty-four hours because of the rain and hail storms.

***Asterisk and Hiccup 24 hours ago.

"Mörknade, different than other dragons around here,"

"For the last time, my name is Hiccup!"

"For the last time, it's a ridiculous name," Asterisk huffed. "I want to know why you're different."

"I wasn't always a dragon."

"What? How hard did you hit your head coming down?"

"Seriously, my name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, son of Stoick the Vast."

"Yeah, just keep telling yourself that 'Hiccup'," Asterisk said and turned around to go fish from the small lake. Hiccup noticed a slice in her wing. He couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, Asterisk right? what happened to your...?"

"Huh?" she turned and saw he was looking at her wing. She turned around and hung her head, took a deep breath and let it out. "During a raid... I-I was flying above, shooting the towers like always. Then I saw this... kid, he had this thing. I am not sure what it did but I didn't bother finding out. I shot it but something launched off of and snagged my wing. Before I knew it I was falling out of the sky. It's a miracle that I am still alive right now. I haven't been able to get off the ground because of it." Hiccup felt a pang of guilt wash over him. 'I did this,' Hiccup thought.

'What are you thinking? Feeling sorry for a dragon!'

"It's kind of a big deal, you know the saying. 'A downed dragon is a dead dragon'." Hiccup could sense her fear.

'Does he care about me?' Asterisk asks herself. She turns around and looked to Hiccup "Why do you ask?" Hiccup's ears perked up.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"No, not anymore." There was a long silence. "Why are you still here? I would have expected you to fly off with the other dragons. I would probably slow you down, so why do you stay?"

"First off I can't fly, second..."

"What! What happened to you, you look okay. Your wings are in perfect condition, your tail is also in perfect condition."

"Let me clarify, I don't know how to fly."

"You don't know how," she said flatly "Well that's an unusual excuse for a dragon, especially one your age."

"Really! I have no idea."

"You are hopeless," Asterisk said Irritated. "When it stops raining, I will teach you to fly. Right now, I am tired and cold." Asterisk laid down on the stone floor. Hiccup kept an eye on her as he laid down as well, he made sure he was very well away from the dragon.

Hiccup wakes up to a sun shining him and a mysterious warmth by his side. He turns his head to see Asterisk sleeping right next to him snuggling against him. Hiccup felt very awkward. He felt Asterisk stir from her sleep. She lifted up her head and saw the position she was in and looked up to Hiccup, who stared right back. "This is a little embarrassing," Asterisk said. "I haven't done that since I was a hatchling."

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