The Ride

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The airport was really big. And I mean REALLY big. The metal smell of the airport reminded me of sucking on pennies as a kid. The wet copper smell felt relaxing.
"Have you ever been to an airport?" Asked the security guard.
"No." I replied. I felt uncomfortable having a guard touch me and scan me like that. I thought that it was just get on an airplane and go.
"You see that guy over there?" My dad said.
"On the escalator," he pointed. "The guy with the unibrow and the giant mustache. I bet he's a terrorist." Laughed my dad. He did kind've look like one, but it wasn't funny. Nothing was funny to me at this point. I was mad, and depressed. Plus, Veronica would not like to see me after the incident that I was really proud of.
"That's not entirely funny." I said back.
My dad looked at me funny.
"You love to make fun of people. What changed?" He asked.
"Nothing, it's just that... I don't want you to be with Veronica. She's gonna treat you like dirt and I know it!" I screamed. "This was you fault! If you hadn't cheated, mom would still be here!" Crystal tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't help it. I stated sobbing. Everything would change, me and my dad would live with a jerk, I'm going have to start over on school, friends, and Veronica. "I want to go home." I cried. Tears were flooding my sweatshirt. It was wet and I needed mom to comfort me.
"We can't go now sweetie." Dad said. "We're to far into the airport to go back."
"Then why did we come to the stupid airport!? Why didn't she move here!? Ever thought about what I want? How hard is that?!" I was crying even more now. "Ever thought of me?" I asked softly. "Me."
We walked towards the airplane. We walked all the way to the door, but I didn't want to move. Everyone passed me up until I was the only one standing at the airplane door.
"Come on little girl. Don't be shy." A woman asked.
"I'm not little," I said. "I'm 13."
The woman voice was soft. Just like mom's. When she was talking, it made me want to cry more because of mom.
"This is my first time on an airplane too." The woman said. "Is it ok if I sit with you two?" She asked. I was hesitant at first, then I looked at dad. He nodded shortly.
"Sure." I said trying not to cry. I was finally going to take a step one the plane, until I looked over the woman's shoulder. There, in the first seat, was a man dressed in black, with a hat. Now that I saw him up close, he had very pale skin and dark green eyes.
"Is everything okay?" The woman asked. Now I wouldn't move. I slowly walked back down the stairs until my feet touched the ground. When the man pulled out the knife, I ran faster than I have ever ran before.

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