Nanami's past part 2

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"Nanami wake up." I groaned as someone started shaking my shoulder. "Nanami." Suddenly I felt something hard hit my head making me jump up and hold it in pain. "Ouchy! Ouchy! Ouchy!" I cried. I heard a sigh and looked over to see Reiji a book in hand.

"Reiji-nii! Why'd you go and hit me?!" I cried. He just scoffed looking away. "Don't go and fall asleep in a library Baka!" He scolded hitting my head again. "Wah!!' I whined in pain. He sighed again before taking a seat starting to study.

I watched him and frowned. "Reiji-nii why do you study so much?" I asked. He glanced up at me before looking back down. "It's none of your business." He said sternly. I pouted getting up to poke his cheek. "Reiji-nii. Reiji-nii. Reiji-nii." I kept doing that making him annoyed.

"What?!" He yelled clearly angry. I smiled at him and pulled on his arm. "Come on Reiji-nii! No one's here to bother us! So let's go and have some fun!" I said happily. Reiji sighed as he shook me away and went back to studying. "No." Was all he said.

I pouted flicking his head. "You're no fun! Ayato-nii! Laito-nii! Shu-nii! Kanato-nii and Subaru-nii are fun! Why can't you be?!" I whined. Reiji sighed as he looked up at me eyes narrowed a frown on his face. "Shut up. You're annoying. Just go away and leave me alone I don't care what happens to you or what you do. As long as you stay away from me and don't bother me I'll be fine." He said calmly yet his tone was threatening.

I was frozen as I stood there eyes wide and mouth opened slightly. "Ok...goodbye...Reiji-nii..." I said walking out of the library. When I got out there I started crying as I sat on the floor leaning up against the wall. "Nanami? What's wrong my dear?"

I looked up to see my father looking down at me concerned and worried. "Daddy..." I whimpered. He picked me up holding me in his arms as he stroked my hair trying to calm me down. "Shhh. It's ok. Daddy's here. What happened?" He asked calmly.

I sniffled as I pulled away a little. "Why does mother and Reiji-nii hate me? What did I do wrong?" I asked. Fathers expression changed from one of sadness and worry to one of anger and hate. "What was that?" He asked voice more cold. Before I could speak he cupped my cheek and frowned.

"What happened? You have a bruise on your cheek." He said looking at it. "Mother got angry..." I whispered. "...She smacked me." I added. Father didn't say anything as he put me down patting my head before he started to walk off. "Daddy!" I called out. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Why don't you treat onii-chan's nicely?! Why aren't you there for them?! I don't want you to make me feel special! I just want you to love them!" I yelled. He smiled sadly as he turned back around and started to walk off again. "I do love them my dear Nanami. It's just that I'm putting them through a test when their older. You'll understand." He said before disappearing.

I was left alone in the hall staring at where father disappeared. "A... Test?" I repeated. Soon I heard laughing and looked out the window only to see my brothers playing and laughing. I smiled sadly wishing I could join them but I knew that I couldn't. I looked back at the library and sighed as I went back in.

"Reiji-nii?" I asked quietly. There was no answer making me frown a little. "Are you still mad at me?" I asked calmly. Again no answer. I sighed as I walked around only to find Reiji asleep at the table. I smiled a little and went out of the library.

When I came back I had a blanket wrapping it over Reiji's sleeping form. "Silly Reiji-nii." I giggled lightly. He groaned a little as he started talking in his sleep. "Nanami...I'm...sorry..." He mumbled making me smile and kiss his cheek. "It's ok Reiji-nii. I forgive you." I said quietly. A small smile appeared on his face as he continued to sleep.

I walked around putting all of the books he got out away and cleaning up his study mess. "Hmm?" I hummed when I saw what looked like a small diary. I carefully picked it up and sat down as I started to read it.

Dear diary

Again this is stupid and a waste of time to be writing in you but I have something I want to get off my chest. Today Nanami was smacked by that damn whore of a mother and looked so broken. I saw how my mother reacted and to be honest it kinda...hurt.

Mother has always paid more attention to Shu and has always ignored me acting like I was never there. I try so hard to get her to notice me and show me what Nanami's mother does. I wish I knew why she ignored me and why she paid so much attention to Shu even though it's only to become the next heir.

I guess I'm envious of Shu...that's why I regret what I did to him...I...burnt down his friend Edgar's village....and killed his only friend. I regret it so much I was just blinded by jealousy and rage that I did something terrible.

I wish that I could take all if that back but sadly I can't. I also said such mean things to Nanami...I don't want her to hate me...besides her whore mother...she's actually the only person who cares for me and gives me love.

~Reiji sakamaki.

I was in tears as I read that. "Reiji-nii..." I whispered sadly. I quickly and quietly put the diary back wiping away my tears. "I should probably wake Reiji-nii up." I mumbled as I walked over to him and shook his shoulder carefully. "Reiji-nii wake up." I said nice and calm.

He just groaned pushing me away. A small ticked mark appeared on my head as I glared at him. "Reiji-nii." I growled as I held a book in my hand. "I said wake up!" I yelled hitting him on the head with it hard. He jumped up and held his head in pain. "Ouch!" He cried.

"Good your awake!" I said happily. He looked at me and glared. "Nanami. Why did you hit me with a book?" He asked voice filled with venom. "Ne? I don't know what your talking about." I said hiding the book behind my back as I avoided eye contact.

Reiji growled as he stood up and tried to take the book away from me. I quickly ran out of the library Reiji chasing me. "Nanami! Come back here!" He yelled. I giggled as I held the book tightly to my chest. "Haha! You have to catch me Reiji-nii!" I laughed.

Soon he caught up with me and tackled me to the ground. "Got you!" He said a smirk on his face. I gulped and looked up at him. "Now for your punishment." He said an evil smirk coming to his face. I paled as he started tickling me. "Haha! No! Haha! Reiji-nii! S-stop! Haha!" I cried as he tickled me.

When he was done he took the book back and stood up a smile on his face. I sighed in relief as I stood up smiling at him. "I had fun Reiji-nii! Let's do it again someday!" I said brightly. Reiji blushed a little as he pushed up his glasses looking away. "Hai." He said.

I smiled taking his free hand as I started walking back to the library. "Come on Reiji-nii! Let's go and study ne?!" I asked happily. Reiji shook his head making me look at him confused. "Can we...cuddle?" He asked looking down a bright blush on his cheeks. I smiled and giggled a little.

"Hai! Reiji-nii!"

*To Be Continued*

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