our first day

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Harry pov

As the Bell rang the student's walked into the class and sat down at there desk's. Mr. Tomlinson being the day by introducing me to the class "hello class this is the teacher that I told you about, the one who will stay with us this year, his name is Mr. Styles" the class said there Hello's and went back to doing there work and I went to sit beside Louis at his desk so we can do out work. "Hey um, I was wondering if you would like to go with me to dinner so we can talk about this work situation, I mean only if you want to" I asked Louis, "sure ya that would be great, what time because I don't get off work until 4:30 tonight?" Louis said, "maybe around 5:30 or 6?" I said back, "ya that would be great" ok so I will pick you up then, um where do you live?" I asked him with a slight fear that he would think I'm weird. "I live on chary road number 69. Oh and just in case I will also give you my number" Louis told me, then he wrote his number and address on a piece of paper and I also give him mine. Then we did our work and just talked a little bit, before I knew it, it was the end of the day and I went home to get ready.

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