at my place

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Harry's pov

I pay the bill and we get in my car and I drive us to my house. When we get there I make us a cup of tea and we sit on the couch. I still haven't told him that I'm gay so I guess that I can do that now. "Hey Louis, c-can I tell you something?" "Ya sure Harry, what's wrong are you okay?" "Ya I'm okay, but i-im gay" there was a slight pause but then Louis finally said "that's great Harry, I am to" I am shocked at his answer but I respond by saying "that's great when did you first find out?" "I found out when you first walked in my class today" as he said that he winked at me. "Oh um thanks, I actually like you as well" I told Louis.

Louis pov

Dam Harry looked so good I just wanna smack my lips to his right this second, "hey Harry? Since we like each other can I try something?"  "Ya sure, what do I have to do?" Harry asked me, "oh uh can you close your eyes for a minute?"   "Ya sure" Harry said. So then he closed his eyes and I put my hand on his cheek and I leaned in and I put my lips on his and there were fire works. We then pull back from the kiss a couple minutes later so we could breath and I looked in his eyes and they were glowing.

Harry pov

After the kiss I started to like him more and more by the second, so then I leaned in again and we starded making out and Louis started so kiss down my jaw and then down my neck and he found my sweet spot close to my Adams apple and I let out a soft moan saying "lou" and then I rip of his and mine shirt off then our pants but we keep our boxers on and we got up from the couch and ran to the bedroom.

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