Chapter 1 - Where's Cake?!

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Fionna awoke, a bit hazy. She looked beside where she slept, the space was empty where Cake would usually be. Fionna didn't stress though, Cake would be in her drawer, sleeping, if not in the bed with her, but as she looked across from her bed, the drawer was empty.

"She must be downstairs, making breakfast." Fionna mumbled to herself. She got out of bed, got changed and pulled her hat on, tucking away the pesky locks.

As she clambered downstairs, Fionna could smell bacon and eggs. With a toothy grin, she bellowed from the ladder before even reaching the bottom.

"Good morning Cake!" Fionna shouted, but she got no response. 'Maybe Cake wants to scare me...' she thought, so she played along when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

But Fionna screamed when she reached the bottom, mostly in shock. It was a mess, breakfast was all over the floor along with water, blood and, to Fionna's horror, Cake's left ear. Fionna was surprised to hear a knock at her door, but had no time to answer it because the scream caused him to rush in.

"M-Marshall, what are you doing here?!" She half yelled, half cried in fear her friend was dead. Marshall ignored her for a moment and picked up the ear on the floor. He sniffed it and tutted. "Poor Cake..." He heard Fionna whine, but it still didn't explain why he was in her house in the late morning inspecting a crime scene!

Marshall remembered his manners and kissed Fionna's hand, she blushed and looked away. "W-What are you d-doing here?" She stuttered hopelessly. Marshall flew up a bit and looked at the whole scene. "Hunting down a killer, he's been on the prowl in Aaa for a while now. Gumwad asked me to help, cause I got a nose for this stuff." He said simply and murmered something about the blood being real and that he could probably track it.

Fionna huffed angrily and noticed a note on the floor, Marshall must have overlooked it. She picked it up and read it aloud. "If you want to see Cake again, take a visit to the Ice Queen, she'll speed you on your way. Just ask about Gunter." It was written in a strange, black, weird smelling ink that was certainly not from Aaa.

Marshall flew down and yanked the note from her hand. "Yoink." He sang and read it far from her reach. He pursed his lips and looked down at Fionna.

Fionna looked up at him, pouting. "Marshall, I have to save Cake." She said cooly and turned on her heel to grab her stuff but her sword was missing, a note in its place. 'Might need to get your sword back from the Ice Queen too first.' The note read and Fionna punched the wall, causing a crack.

"What the glob Fionna? Are you alright?" Marshall asked half concerned and half annoyed. Fionna grabbed her backpack in silence and walked to the door. Marshall noticed her sword missing and stood in front of her.

"Fi, you can't leave without protection." Just as he said that he was punched hard in the face. "I got these bad boys to help me." Marshall wasn't bothered by her tough act, so he swooped and picked her up, restraining her in a mid-air hug.

"I'm coming with you, okay?" Marshall smirked playfully and Fionna blushed, she couldn't handle the close contact with Marshall that well. Not since Cake rammed the idea that she liked Marshall Lee the Vampire King into her head.

"Fine." She mumbled and fidgettd from her place. Marshall brought himself to her other side so she was facing him. He smiled more politely now. "Will you go on an adventure with me?" He asked with a voice sweeter than Fionna could imagine he could have.

Her face went crazy red. "Y-Yes, now put me down!" Marshall stuck his snake-like tongue out and licked her red cheeks. "I do think that colour looks quite tasty on you." He whispered smoothly and brought her to the ground, letting himself fall to his feet.

Fionna, now quickly over her flustered face, raised a brow. "Why are you walking?" Marshall looked away and she swore she had seen his cheeks go darker. "I said I would adventure with you, not above you." He laughed and walked beside her somberly.

"So, we off to see the Ice Queen first?" Marshall nudged her with his elbow.

"Yes, for help and retrieval." Fionna muttered coldly. Marshall poked her ribs then wraped his arm around her shoulder for comfort. "Don't worry, we'll get Cake back." He smiled softly. "Yeah, thanks." She smiled thankfully to Marshall as they headed toward the Ice Kingdom.

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