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The blue of twilight tinged the air of the National Mall as thousands of people gathered awaiting the biggest fireworks show in the city. Families with kids laid out blankets - college kids brought coolers of beer and Solo cups. Hobos put away their "End is Near" signs and enjoyed the evening of national pride. Uncle Sam hats, red, white and blue shirts and miniature flags bobbed and waved over the sea of people. The festivities were in full swing and anticipation mounted as the horizon began to turn down its lights for the show. An aura of patriotism circulated with the summer breeze overhead as civilians reflected on their freedom and the prices paid for it. Symphonic melodies came from the East end, where an orchestra played an old patriotic melody. The strings, brass and woodwinds fanned out in a semi-circle while the percussion lined the back of the orchestra. The conductor waved his dramatic arms, almost dancing to the crescendoing Pops sounding through the mall. It was all backed by the towering Capitol Building draped in American flags.

Through the scope of her sniper rifle, Ashton roamed the red, white and blue crowds for any sign of suspicious activity. She stood perched at the window atop the Washington Monument, closed for repairs since a minor quake had weakened its foundation. Scanning the crowd and the entrances to the Smithsonian Museums lining the mall, she spoke into a comm mic.

"This is the eye in the sky, all clear here."

Her call rang through Tobias's earpiece who was sitting in the painter's van, parked alongside the wall. They had painted it a navy blue in his garage and changed out the license plates. Sitting in the back, he had schematics, blueprints, notes, diagrams and the stone box itself laid out before him. Tobias wiped the sweat beads from his temples as his brain churned into fifth gear, his fist tightened on the pencil as it drew out the chess pieces in play.

"Mac, if you were to defect from Project Sparta and plan a massive terrorist attack on the United States Capitol and you had it pinned down to one of the museums on the Mall on July 4th... which one would you pick?" A few chuckles sounded throughout the comm line. A break in the chuckles led Tobias's eyes to a line of notes before him.

I've left enough breadcrumbs for you to follow...

The words from Agent Zero's conversation with Xander jumped off his page of notes. A gravity weighed on him, his tone turned grim.

"We are missing something..." Tobias murmured to himself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Yes, we are..." Mac responded, kneeling over a small duffel bag in the lobby of the Air and Space Museum. Mac consulted his left shoulder to check his cover from the outside public. He pulled out his M16 rifle. Above him model spacecraft hovered overhead, suspended from the rafters of the exhibit hall. A sleek black jet with the NASA logo marking its tail hung at an angle as if it were zooming overhead. He began his sweep of the museum.

"Sweeping..." he spoke into his sleeve.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Good," Xander responded outside, running point amid the masses of people on the lawn. The typical onlooker wouldn't notice his firearms concealed under his denim jacket. He surveyed the faces of the people before him oblivious to their immediate danger. He swept the crowd for any suspicious attendees, combing each person from head to toe for any inkling of a firearm or explosive device. Then Xander saw something.

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