Chapter 1

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One night my younger sister Bella and I were eating dinner with our parents. Our parents were often really mean to us. 

Suddenly, we all got into a huge argument. After we had gotten into the argument, my sister and I went to our room. When we got to our room, we went to bed.

A few hours later, we woke up and started getting ready to runaway from our parents. I put on a black hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, and black Vans. After that, I brushed my dark brown hair. My sister put on a pink hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black converses. After that, she brushed her neon red hair.

We got our backpacks and packed food and drinks into them. We also got our phones and laptops and put them into our backpacks. After that, we put our backpacks on and jumped out our window and ran away.

The next morning, I woke up in the woods. I stood up and looked around. Suddenly, when I was looking at the ground infront of me, my sister jumped out infront of me. "Hi." she said, laughing. As soon as she did that, I jumped and ended up falling.

"Don't scare me like that." I said, standing up. "Okay." she said, sarcastically.

So then, we walked out of the woods. When we got out of the woods, we saw a music store. "Yay, a music store!" my sister said. "We should go inside." "Yeah." I said, sarcastically. "No dip." Then we laughed.

So then, we went into the music store. "Lets sit at one of these chairs." my sister said, and then sat at one of the chairs that were lined up against the glass wall. Then, I went and sat in one of the chairs next to my sister.

"I wonder if they have Wi-Fi here." I said, and then got my phone out and checked. "They do!" Immediately, we both connected to the Wi-Fi on our phones, and then went on YouTube and started listening to music. 

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