Train Guards

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Ron filled us in on his trip to Egypt, and Hermione sent her Parents home after dinner. We stayed downstairs talking, laughing and having fun until almost midnight when Tom, the bar owner, shooed us off to bed. Fred had me hang back for a few minutes to give me something, “I got this for you from one of the pyramids.”

                “Thank you Fred, you really didn’t have to.” He handed me a small object wrapped in soft cloth. Carefully I unwrapped it to reveal a simple gold chain with a pendent. The pendant roughly formed an outline of a heart, with the Eye of Horus in the middle painted purple. “It’s beautiful Fred, thank you.” I reached up and lightly kissed him on the cheek. He turned bright red and ran upstairs to the room he was sharing with George.

                I carefully slipped it on and placed it under my shirt to avoid questions from my parents and headed to my room where I found Harry moving his trunk out and Hermione moving in. “What’s going on?”

                “Since Hermione’s parents went home, your parents rented their room for me and Ron. Hermione is moving in with you and your parents. I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

                Next morning, we ate a quick breakfast and headed out for Diagon Ally. We split into two groups and split up our shopping lists so we could get in and out quicker. Though the adults were still mum about why we were to be traveling in groups instead of being allowed to wander, we knew we had to be right about Black coming for Harry. While most of the Weasleys went off for books and basic supplies, Ginny, Harry, Hermione and I were with my parents to go to the bank, pick up new robes and stop at the pet store. Ron wanted his rat, Scabbers to be looked at because he became ill on the trip to Egypt, I and Harry needed more owl food and Hermione wanted to get some toys for Crookshanks.

                Two hours later we met up at Florian Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlor to double check our lists and once we were sure we had everything we started to head back, but of course as we were just feet from the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron I remembered I needed to buy a broom. Harry and Ron came with me and my parents to Quality Quidditch Supplies to pick out a broom perfect for acrobatic flying. While the boys admired the new Firebolt, I was off looking at the latest Nimbus, 2001 series. Though it is primarily for racing it is considered quite a graceful model. Against Mum’s better judgment, we purchased the broomstick and headed back to the pub.

                We spent the rest of the afternoon packing our things for tomorrow, double checking our rooms to make sure we were not leaving anything behind. Once finished we sat around the pub talking about different things and just passing the time until dinner. Stuffed to the gills, and barely able to keep our eyes open we shuffled off to bed early so we could get up and say goodbye to our parents.

While everyone had been asleep Harry snuck down into the pub to grab a snack and overheard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley arguing over telling Harry that Sirius was in fact after him and the Ministry had sent cars for us to ride in on the way to King’s Cross. We all gathered in three Ministry cars comfortably and still needed two extras for our luggage.

                After what seemed like an hour, we had everything unloaded and were going through the portal to Platform 9 ¾, we sent Harry and Ron through first to make sure there were no problems this year. We then went through in groups of three or four. We said our goodbyes and jumped on the train.

                Finding all of the compartments full, we came across a compartment that only hand one man asleep in it. Taking one look at his cloak and messy brown hair I knew who he was instantly, but wanted to worry my friends a little, “Here let’s take this one, everywhere else is full.”

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