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“Dear Harry, I hope your summer is going better than mine. I have spent all of it in St Mungo’s Hospitals, having all kinds of tests ran on me and guess what they found? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, I figured they wouldn’t because nothing ever happens during the summer. Enough about me, how are you? How was your birthday? Have you heard from Ron? Their family won the Wizard Lottery and took a trip to Egypt. I hope Ron was able to replace his wand, so he can do better in class. Can you believe in just a few short days we will be going into our third year at Hogwarts? Time has flown so quickly. I wonder what our next adventures will be this year. Sincerely, Loretta.”

                “Mum can you send this letter off to Harry?” I asked as she walked into my hospital room with no lunch.

                “Mum, where is my lunch? I am starving.” I whined. I hadn’t had anything to eat since yesterday morning because of some tests they were running and I was ready for something to eat and drink. “It is ridiculous that they will not even let me have water.”

                “Well I have some good news sweetie. I am here to take you to the Leaky Cauldron. They are releasing you so we can go to Diagon Ally and get your school supplies. Your dad and I also heard that the Weasley’s are arriving there later tonight, so I thought we could spend a couple of days there to let you catch up before you go back to school. Plus it will save us the trip of going home and then coming back twice.”

                “Really? They are letting me out?!?” I jumped up out of bed and started getting dressed. “When can we check out?”

                “Whenever you are ready, Dad is outside signing the paperwork now.” She said as she helped me pack the books, parchment and few clothes that I had brought with me.

                In a matter of minutes the three of us were walking out of the hospital and into a beautiful London morning. “Sweet freedom! I never realized how much I missed the smell of London until know! It is so much better than antiseptics.” I said giddy from the fresh air around me.

                Mum and dad walked behind me as I skipped merrily down the sidewalk enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin, and smiling at people passing by. As we neared the door to the Leaky Caldron I recognized the back of a bushy brown headed girl, “Hermione!” I ran to her as she turned to see who called her name.

                “Loretta!” We hugged once I got to her. “How are you? When did you get out of the hospital?” She asked as we entered the Leaky Caldron.

                “I just came from there, it was awful. How was your summer?” I asked as we sat down at an empty table.

                “My summer, was great. My parents took me to Paris to see the Eiffel tower. I got this necklace there.” She said as she showed me her silver necklace with a tiny model of the Eiffel tower.

                “That’s beautiful Hermione. Wish I could have been there, did you get your summer homework done? It seemed to take me ages to do it between tests and trying to get sleep.”

                “That must have been awful, but it is good that you got it done. I’ve had mine done for weeks, I even did some extra work for history I hope that is ok. Have you heard from Harry? I sent him his birthday present a few days ago but have not heard anything back yet.”

                “Between tests and homework I hadn’t had a chance to write to him until today just before I was released so I haven’t had a chance for a response. I feel bad I couldn’t get him a present, maybe when we go to Diagon Ally tomorrow I can pick him up something.”

Star Crossed Witch: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now