Chapter 1

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Welcome to my new story! I'm really excited about this one, and I hope you like it! And yes, I'm aware of the spelling mistakes when a certain character speaks. It's on purpose. 

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, apologizing as I bumped into random individuals in the long hallways.The text I had received from Morgan was going over and over in my head like a mantra as I ran towards the pediatric wing of the hospital. 

Get to the hospital.

That was all it said. So many scenarios were running through my head, and I was scared out of my mind. I would absolutely die if something terrible happened, and I just prayed to God that she was alright. 

As soon as I caught sight of the nurses station, I slowed down and approached the desk, taking in deep breaths to catch my breath. "Excuse me?" I cleared my throat, causing the nurse's head to snap up. "What room is Jessica Farley in?"

"And you are?" Though the question seemed rude, her tone was sickly sweet, something that seemed so rehearsed. 

"I'm her mother." 

Once she requested some form of ID, I basically sprinted to the room my daughter was in once given the room number. I wanted to collapse by the time I reached the room, though I wasn't sure if it was from exhaustion or relief. 

Morgan spotted me immediately, getting up from the chair beside Jessica's bed to wrap me in a tight hug, one in which I returned immediately. I looked at my daughter's form on the hospital bed, her eyes closed and a blanket pulled all the way up to her chin. Her beautiful brown hair was splayed across the pillow, the ends reaching down to her shoulder. 

But what caused my eyes to widen was her bandaged wrist. 

"What happened?" Finally pulling away from the hug, I looked at my best friend through teary eyes. 

Morgan wiped her own tears, sniffling slightly. "W-we were playing in the park, a-and she wanted to go down the slide," A sob tore from her throat, and I grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. "S-she was climbing up the steps and slipped...s-she slipped and fell right on her wrist. I'm so sorry, Blake. I-It's my fault that she slipped...I shouldn't have let her g-go by herself. I'm so s-sorry."

I shook my head, disagreeing with her completely. "It's not your fault, M. Things like this happen, alright? She's only four, she'll be okay." The relief I felt as I listened to her story was so immense, and it calmed my rapid beating heart. "Is it broken?" I questioned, gesturing toward's my baby girls wrist. 

She shrugged, wiping her eyes. "The doctor took X-rays, but he hasn't come back yet. He gave Jess a sedative to put her to sleep since she was in a lot of pain." 

My heart constricted at the thought of my little girl in pain. This was her first serious injury, and I hated that I wasn't with her when it happened. I squeezed Morgan's arm gently, moving past her to sit by Jess's side. I moved some strands of hair out of her face, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. I knew Morgan felt guilty, but she had no reason to. Accidents like these happened all the time, but I guess she never expected it to happen to Jessica. 

I know I didn't. 

A knock on the door caused my head to snap up, and my eyes locked with a tall, young blonde wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope wrapped around his neck. He was holding a manilla folder, with what I assumed and hoped were my daughter's X-rays inside. I needed to know how severe the injury was so I knew the proper way to take care of her. 

Stepping inside the room, he gave us a small smile, nodding at Morgan then me. "Hi, I'm Dr. Lynch. Are you Blake, Jessica's mother?"

I nodded and stood up, extending my hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you." 

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