Chapter 11

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Ross POV

My body froze the minute my finger hit the 'end' button. My eyes were round as saucers, and I swear my jaw was on the floor. Did I just tell her I love her? Holy crap, that wasn't meant to come out! I hurried into an on-call room and paced the floor, running my fingers through my hair. Oh, man, this was not good. Those words were not supposed to come out of my mouth. It was way too soon. 

But, was it?

As cliché as it was, love wasn't set on a time. You didn't have to be together for a year before you fell in love. It could happen at any time...any place. And with Blake, it happened after our first date. You could call me an idiot for thinking I was falling in love too fast, but I didn't care. I had never felt this way before, and I knew I was in deep. 

I had fallen in love with Blake. 


A smile tugged at my lips as I thought of her; the way she smiled, how her eyes had this twinkle and her nose crinkled whenever she laughed. Whenever we held hands, I swear my body felt like it was on fire. Her delicate hand in my large one felt almost...perfect. Gosh, I sounded like such a sap, but I didn't care. I never met anyone like Blake, never had such a strong connection with any other girl I dated like I did with her. It was almost like she filled an empty space in my heart. 

If my brothers were here right now, they would slap me for being overly romantic and mushy. Did I care? Absolutely not. 

I never pictured myself with a girl who already had a kid. I always thought it would be too messy, especially if the father was still in the picture. But in this typical situation, it was far from messy. I smiled just thinking of Jess, the little girl who I had grown so attached to that I would scream if something or someone took her away from me. I loved that little girl so much, and I would do anything for her. 

I truly felt like her father. 

I knew I would never be able to take the place of her actually dad, but I also wondered where he was. Blake never talked about him and I wasn't one to push. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but I was a patient man and could wait until she told me. 

The sound of my pager going off snapped me out of my current reverie, and I glanced down where my pager was clipped on the waistband of my scrubs. ER 911 flashed across the screen, and I hurried out of the on-call room, wiping the smile I had off my face. It would look very odd if I walked into the ER with a huge smile on my face. Not to mention creepy. 

Jogging into the emergency room, my eyebrows furrowed as I scanned the area for any children or minors. I slowly walked over to Ethan Shay, the head of trauma and one of my good friends. He was leaning against the nurse's desk, an unreadable expression on his face. 

"Why was I paged?" I questioned. "Because unless I'm going blind, I don't see any kids here. Is there a trauma coming in?" 

"Ross," He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Before he could utter another word, the trauma bay doors burst open, two paramedics running in with a gurney. Nicole, one of the paramedics was bagging the patient. 

"Twenty-four year old female. Head on collision when a drunk driver swerved into her lane. Unresponsive at the scene. No pulse when we arrived, but was able to regain a rhythm in the rig."

As she rattled off more information, I was unable to listen anymore as my eyes caught sight of the patients face. The left side of her face was bruised, shards of glass evident in her skin. Blood was dripping down the side of her face, a large cut on her forehead being the cause. As the paramedics wheeled the gurney into a trauma room, they moved past me, allowing me to see the patients face clearer. 

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