Chapter 13

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“I’m so proud of you, baby.” Mom says over the phone, sounding very happy.

“Thanks mom.” I reply, smiling as I bite my nails like a little kid. If only she could see what I was doing right now, she would have scolded me because ‘only little kids do that’ as she says.

“I’m really sorry I can’t be there. I wasn’t able to get off work, I’m really sorry baby.” She apologizes.

“It’s ok mom. I understand. You don’t have to feel so bad about it.” I assure her, though it would be better if she could have come. But I was not going to tell her that because I’m sure it’s going to make her feel even worse.

“I’ll make up for it. I love you, baby. I’m so, so proud of you.” I could feel tears welling up my eyes as she says it.

“I love you too mom. I miss you! Take care!” I tell her, ending the call. My tears have started falling down my cheeks.

There was a knock on my door and I immediately wipe the tears away. Although I’m sure it was obvious that I had been crying because my eyes and my nose get really red when I do. The door opens and Liam enters, smiling. His smile fades once he sees my face and sits next to me on the bed.

“Are you ok?” he asks, hugging me. This only made me cry a bit harder. “Do you want to talk about it?” he pulls me away a bit and looks me in the eye, wiping away a tear that managed to escape from my eye.

I try to control my tears, clearing my throat, “I just miss my mom, that’s all.” I tell him.

He smiles and takes an envelope out of his pocket. “I figured you’d say that, so I bought you this for your graduation present.” he says, handing me the envelope. I take it from him, curious as to what is inside. I slowly open it, revealing two roundtrip tickets to America. I smile from ear to ear. “I want to go with you to America, so that’s why I bought two tickets. But it’s up to you if you want me to go along.”

“I think I’ll go with Dad or one of the lads.” I tease.

He pouts, “It’s not funny.”

I laugh at his adorable pouting face, “Of course I’d love for you to come with me. Thank you, Liam.” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I lean in and kiss him passionately.

He chuckles, “If it takes a roundtrip ticket to America for you to kiss me like that, I think it would be worth buying one ticket every single day.” he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “We can use these tickets anytime we want within this year since I wasn’t sure when you want to go to America or when you’re free.”

I smile, “Thank you, Liam. You’re the best!” I say, giving him a peck on the lips.

“And here’s another present for our one week anniversary.” he says, taking out a red velvet squared shape box out of his coat.

“Liam, I told you not to buy me anything. Now I feel bad for not even buying you a present.” I complain, sighing.

He chuckles, “Stop complaining and open the box.” he demands, “Besides, you gave me the best present I could ever have.”

I smile, taking the box from him. “And that is?” I ask.

“You.” he simply replies, smiling.

I laugh, “You are so cheesy.” I shake my head, clicking my tongue. I open it and my jaw drops wide open as I see a beautiful necklace that had a heart pendant. “Please don’t tell me that this is a real diamond.” I say.

“Fine, it’s not a real diamond.” he replies, chuckling. “But we both know it actually is.” he adds. He takes the necklace out of the box and puts it around my neck. “There.” he whispers. “This is for the girl who stole my heart since day one. I should have you arrested, you know?”

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