Chapter 18

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As soon as Aunt Jenna ended the call, I ran up to my bedroom and take my suitcase, placing it on the floor. I grab most of my clothes from my closet and throw them in my suitcase. I needed to go to America. Right now. Mum needed me most. 

"Where is she?" I hear Liam ask.

"In her room. She's packing." Alice replies. 

"What? Why?" he asks, to which Alice doesn't reply to. I could hear his footsteps coming close to my bedroom and he opens the door. I don't bother to look up at him, I just continue packing as I knelt on the floor by my suitcase.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asks, walking over towards me. 

"Can you hand me my beanie over there?" I ask, pointing at the beanie by the bed. He takes it and hands it to me as he sits on the floor. My hands move swiftly, placing my clothes in properly. 

"Will you calm down?" he pleads, holding my hands so I could stop moving them.

"I can't." I tell him. "I have to go to America right now." I pull my hands away from his grip and continue packing. 

"America? Why?" he asks but I don't answer because I was too preoccupied to answer. He finally hold my arms real tight, making it impossible for me to move them. "Tell me what's wrong so I can help." 

"You can't." I tell him, sighing. I blink twice, not wanting the tears to escape from my eyes. 

"Well then, tell me what your problem is. At least I can promise you that you won't go through whatever it is, alone." he assures me, lifting my chin with his finger so that our faces were aligned. 

"It's my mum." I reply. As soon as I said those words, I cried hysterically. "She got into a car accident. She's in critical condition." I try to explain, "I need to go be with her. Right now." He pulls me in and hugs me as I continue crying, burying my face on his chest. 

We sit there with him cuddling and comforting me. "Shh." he tries to soothe me, rubbing my back. "It's going to be okay. Your mum's going to be okay." he says, kissing my forehead. 

I nod, hoping that he was right. I continue crying as he held me in his arms. A few minutes later and I finally find it in me to stop crying. I lift my head to look at him, "I need to go." I whisper. 

He nods, releasing me. "Just let me make a quick call." he says, standing up and leaving the room. I sit there and look at my suitcase. I stand up and head to the bathroom to get all my toiletries. I place them in my suitcase and zip it up. 

Liam comes back in a few minutes, smiling. "Let's go. I've already made reservations. My guards are already on their way to the airport. We better hurry cause our flight leaves in an hour."

"You don't have to come with me to the airport." I tell him, pulling my suitcase behind me as I walk towards him. 

"I will and I am going to America with you." he says, smiling. 

"What?" I shriek. "I can't let you come with me! You have rehearsals and interviews to be done here before the tour starts. I can't let you do this, Liam." I tell him, hoping that he won't be stubborn enough not to listen to me. 

He smiles and looks at me in the eye, "No matter what you say or do, I'm going with you. I'm your boyfriend and I am not letting you go through this alone." he replies, leaning down. "I love you." he whispers and kisses me. 

I kiss him back, thinking what I've done to have someone as great as him in my life. I pull out of the kiss, our foreheads against each other. I smile, "I love you too." I reply. 

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