Chapter One: Charlie

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Gods. Greek gods. Have you ever heard of the Greek gods? Everyone reads about them in school. They call it Greek mythology. But, what if the gods aren't myths?

They aren't myths, I'll tell you that. The Greek gods and goddesses are real. The monsters are real as well. They roam the Earth just like you and me. No one thinks differently when they are there. They resemble humans when they're on Earth. Freaked out yet? Most people are at this point.

The gods wanted people to know. They made a book. A book of their stories. These are the real stories of the gods, not what mortals learn in mythology. It was the gods who wrote their stories by hand. They documented every moment the correct way.

Then, they made another book full of fake stories. These stories are what you probably refer to as myths. They're called myths because they're not the real story, not because the Greek gods aren't real. The gods wanted the mortals to have faith in them, but they did not want to tell the mortals the frightening truths that still are around. Sometimes information is a bad thing.

The gods are having some troubles right now. The Thirteen Gifts of the Gods have been stolen. Aphrodite's Mirror, Apollo's Lyre, Ares' Spear, Artemis' Bow, Athena's Aegis, Demeter's Horn of Plenty, Dionysus' Thyrsus, Hades' Helm of Darkness, Hephaestus' Hammer, Hera's Scepter, Hermes' Caduceus, Poseidon's Trident, and Zeus' Golden Thunderbolt. They have powers no one will ever match. They are godlike. That's enough to make these gifts the thirteen most powerful objects in the world. That's why the gods need them back.

The monsters stole the gifts. Under the leadership of Echidna, the mother of the monsters, they invaded Olympus. It was a long, bloody battle. Unfortunately, the monsters were victorious and managed to steal all of the Thirteen Gifts.

The monsters assumed that if they stole the Gifts, then they would have the power to destroy Olympus. Only, it doesn't work like that. You need to have the Thirteen Medallions to activate their powers. The Thirteen Medallions are necklaces that represent each deity. Luckily, the monsters were clueless about the Medallions.

Thousands of years have gone since the attack that stole the Gifts from the gods. None of the Gifts have been retrieved.. Wars have been fought, lives have been lost. The gods created heroes. Quadgods and demigods.

Demigods are half-human, half-godly. They're born when a god and a human mate. They're the most common godly creatures. When a god and human mate and have children, they create more warriors that blend in easily with humans and don't have that much power.

There's also the Quadgods. They've been left out of myths for importance. They're the offsprings of two demigods. Because the amount of godliness in them is so small, they only inherit the powers of only one god. They're mostly spies because of their small amount of powers. That's what makes them perfect to search the globe for the Gifts.

Echidna knew that she and the monsters had to even things out. So, they created Demidemons. They are half human and half demon. When the Quadgods were created, the Demidemons mated and their offsprings were Quaddemons.

What would happen if a demigod and a god mate?

Trigods. They have the powers of two deities. The Trigod has a strong feeling when around deities and monsters. There was an amazing revelation that bewildered everyone, even the gods and goddesses. At the moment they were born, the Trigod became a god.

The gods made a plan to get their Gifts back. They decided to create three Trigods. First three chosen gods mated with humans. They were to be who the gods and goddesses chose to have the powers that would be the most beneficial. They were Athena, Apollo, and Artemis.

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