Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to ILikePrecious

This chapter is dedicated to you, because I was reading the 4 comments that I got and I was completely touch to see that someone appreciated my poor writing style. I hope you support this storyy till the very end, because I'm losing hope in continuing this. Anyways, thanks a lot! :) I wuv yoooou so much and I appreciate your comment! :D

Chapter 4

I felt arms around my waist.  I opened my eyes slowly and to my surprise.

OMG! Keane was hugging me!!!!!

I pushed him off and I can feel that my cheeks were burning. Not because I liked the hugged and all I was blushing because I was pissed and was so embarrassed of the scene. 

“What the hell do you think are you doing?!” I shouted hysterically.

“Hugging, don’t pretend babe I know you like it.” He said winking.

I smiled a little and walk closer to him and then.


“I like it very much! BABE!” I said sarcastically and drag Fionn and Massie out of the canteen.

“You’re gonna regret that Evans!” Keane shouted angrily.

“Ohhh…. I’m scared.” I said sarcastically and proceeded outside.

Really I’m scared! I was super scared; I mean he was very influential here in school.  I hope he wouldn’t do anything bad, I really hope.  Please to all the Angel and Saints….please protect me.  I wouldn’t want to die painfully in the hands of Keane Simmons.  If you want to take me, take me kindly please a nightmare would do, but please not by him.  I wouldn’t want to experience hell yet.  I was over thinking again but I wouldn’t want that to happen really. 

“Wow! That was brave Aine.” Massie said excitedly while jumping up and down.

“Thanks, I guess! Gosh, I’m really nervous of what will be his comeback!” I said frustrated.

“Thanks, by the way. You’re a real friend. You are willing to have a social suicide for me!” Fionn said hugging me.

“What have I gotten myself into?!” I asked.

“TROUBLE!” Jonesy said walking towards us.

“Jonesy!” we said in unison.

“What have you done Aine?! Why did you slap Keane?!!” she asked hysterically.

“He deserved it. He’s being a jerk you know. Didn’t you see how he humiliated Fionn?!” I answered kind of pissed.

“Yeah, and it was also Fionn’s fault!” she backfired.

“WHAT?!!!” I shouted hysterically.

“You heard me. You’re being a bitch here Aine.” She said.

“BITCH?!!!!!!” I said angrily.

My blood was boiling like hell, and it was my first time getting mad at Jonesy.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Still you’re in big trouble. You just like slap Keane!” she said.

“He hugged me!!!” I shouted.

“He just hugged you.” She said rolling her eyes.

“He has no right to just hug me!” I said emphasizing those two words.

“Okay I’m sorry I over reacted. It’s just that I’m worried for you.  You know how Keane is right?! And as your friend I don’t want you to be in trouble.” She said softly while touching both of my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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