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"Stuck in the elevator? Why didn't you call me if you would have died mom would have killed me. Next time be more careful." .At first I was actually thinking that she was worried. But turns out she was only looking out for herself. Like always. I roll my eyes and give her a vague smile and enter our room. Sarah continued to talk but I wasn't listening. I mean I never listen but this time I wasn't thinking about how much I hate her. (Cue the frozen song "in the first time in forever") I was thinking about him. It's crazy right. Me out of all people. I hate celebrities. Like how could he. He has no morals. Who kisses someone in an elevator without even asking. And then he had the nerve to tell me that I liked it! He just thinks I'm one of his fans. (Which I'm not) I kind of did like it but that's not THE POINT. I been kissed before and he's nothing special. But he is the best kisser up to date. But that didn't MATTER. I can't be having feelings for him he's on of them. He's a celebrity. And I'm not. Simple math. Uh the nerve on that guy.
I got a text message from my friends Evelyn and Sam it's like they always knows the perfect time to text me. Sam is not your average girl. She loves bands and the color black, everything evil But it's ok cuz diversity makes the world go round. Right? Evelyn is nice and sweet. But the one thing Sam and Evelyn don't have in common with me is that they like celebrities ... Not all celebrities just 5sos and other bands that I don't know.
Evelyn: hey 😎
Sam: hi 🙃
Me: hay bitchessssss 🤗
Evelyn: why didn't you tell me your in la? 😒
Sam: wtf your in la
Me : my stupid fucking sister 🙄 she forced me
Me: she's so fucking annoying like. I hate her so fucking much. 😒😒😑🔫
Evelyn: I feel you my brother keeps bothering me
Sam: I would say good luck but not even luck would help you
Evelyn: ...
Sam: ...
"Earth to Isabelle" I was rudely interrupted by yours truly Sarah. "I'm going out so if you want room service call it. Oh and if I don't come home tonight I got layyyyeed so.." As she walks out I scream "get pregnant". I chuckle and continue texting my friends

4 hour later

I just found out Sarah won't be coming back to the hotel since I called and heard some disturbing sounds. Like really disturbing sounds.It's 12:53 and I'm starving so I'm finally going to take Sarah's advice and call room service. Turns out that when I tried to order the most expensive thing on the menu this "credit card" only has $27.14 in it. Way to go Sarah. So instead of getting room service I decide to go out to see if I find a McDonald's or something. I'm looking down at my phone while walking out of the elevator and to my surprise I bump into Justin again but this time worst. He dropped his drink all over my shirt. Idk what he was drinking but he was diffidently drunk. The drink he spilled on me reeked of liquor. And to top it all of it had ice in it! Some ice fell down my shirt making me feel like I was on the verge of freezing to death."Omg I'm such an idiot I'm sorry" he's voice is a little shaky. He has to be drunk. I quickly reply "wow twice in one night. Can this day get any worse. I have to go change" I can't believe that one person could be this stupid. I walk towards the elevator and look behind me and he's following me. He reaches over and presses the button. "You know what I'll take the stairs, elevators aren't really my thing to much bad experiences" as I'm walking towards the stairs he says "your going 10 flights up?" I turn around with a death look because I know he was right. I walk back towards the elevator as it opens and go in. And   he goes in to. " if you'd like I'll pay for your dry clean" I look over to him and say "you know what I would like". He looks over to me and says "so that kiss that happened.." I interrupted him "was a mistake and I won't tell anyone".
I walk towards my room. And he is tell following me. Jesus can I get a break. Instead of fighting with him I just ask him "So your going to give me the money for the dry clean or what" he reaches into his pocket and a condom drops. I chuckle because I feel really bad for him. Like how can someone be that much of a dumbass. "You know what keep the money. Just leave". . As I open the door he comes up behind me and pushes me in and closes the door.I turn around. We're face to face and he stroked my cheek and kissed my lips. "Wtf are u doing" I was cut off as he slowly moved his lips on mine . Our lips moved in time with each other and he raised his hands up to my hair and tangled his fingers in it. His other hand pulled up to my face and cupped my cheek in his hand. I raised up his shirt and slowly started to feel his body. He starts kissing my neck softly. And then it suddenly all stops. Someone is opening my door. We back away from the door freeze. And when the door opens its Sarah. She looks like she's in shock. "Isabelle what are you doing do you know who this is, this is Justin Bieber move out of the way don't embarrass yourself." She introduces her self to him. "I was just leaving" he's about to leave when Sarah says "you forgot your condom and your shirt" he turns back and his face gets red. "Here text me" he passes me a note with his number on it. Sarah waits until he leaves to say "what do you think your doing your 16 years old". I roll my eyes "18 I'm 18. And weren't you  somewhere getting penetrated by someone" she answers with attitude "no I was not I actually didn't even drink I wasn't allowed in, and watch your tone". I start screaming "your not my mom were not even related although I don't like him you don't have to be such a bitch". You know I thought the most embarrassing moment of my life was when my period blood passed through my pants and everyone notices but me, but this defiantly tops it. I don't even care that she embarrassed me in front of him it's that she's going to hold this very moment against me for the rest of my life. I run to the bathroom and slam the door "don't get angry baby sis". From the bathroom i scream "step". Uhhhhgh sometimes I wonder was she actually born like this  or does she just pretend to be a bitch. Either way all I know is that I hate her. Always have and always will. I walk out the bathroom and go to bed. It's been a stressful day.

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