Doctor Strange catchup 2!

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His birthday gift:

You took him out to dinner then a walk in the park catching up on all the things you miss

You get kidnap:

One day you and your father went for a jog very early in the morning and while you two were talking, you were suddenly lifted off your feet and was carried by iron man "sorry miss strange, Fury wants to see you" iron man told you. You were being kidnaped by the avengers because they needed your father help.

He rescues you:

After you were suddenly lifted off the ground, the cloak sensed that he needed to save someone, the cloak rushed and put itself on your father and he went flying to get you. He was right behind iron man and managed to get in the hellicarrier before the door shut on him. "Well guys, we got Strange's daughter, now we wait for him to show up" "that won't be necessary Stark, now what is it that you want so I can have my daughter back. Oh hello Thor" your father waved at his friend Thor. Then captain America started "Well, since you know Thor and he didn't tell us that he knew you, you might already know that Loki is suppose to be on earth and well, he might still have his powers and we want you to keep an eye on him just in case he does and if he does use his powers, you can stop it" "Alright mighty avengers. Next time you want to contact me, email me, don't kidnap my daughter" your father grabbed onto and together you both went home

How you show your love to him:

By having a slow dance with him

Your first words:

(He wasn't there so he doesn't know)

Their favourite Disney song:

Touch the sky

He meets your boyfriend/girlfriend:

Castiel: you were asleep but in your astro body going for a moonlight walk and as you were walking, you heard some people talking about dangerous demons being in New York. You walked to where there were three guys. A giant, a serious man and some cinnamon bun wearing a trench coat. You kept walking where the cinnamon bun said "who are you?"  You looked shocked "you can see me?"  "Yes"  "My name is Y/n Strange, and no I am not a ghost. I am in my astro body at the moment. How can you see me"  "I'm castiel, angel of the lord. I've never seen such magic like yours, it's probably my angelic powers to how I can see you. These boys over here are Sam and Dean Winchester, they are hunters" you looked over to the two boys where they looked at castiel crazy  "Cas! Who are you talking to?"  The short one said "I'm talking to Y/n Strange who is currently in her astro body,  Y/n, is it possibly for you to come out of your astro body?"  You left halfway out of the astro dimension and came out. The boys were shocked on how they were seeing a girl popping out of nowhere but not like a ghost "That is awesome!" Sam told you. You smiled and notice the time "oh dear, I have to go but hopefully we can meet in person"  "want to meet us here tomorrow again but in your actual body this time?" Dean has asked you. You nodded and left.  The next day as promised, you showed up and so have they. After knowing the boys and developing a huge crush on castiel. Castiel has developed a huge crush on you and kept asking for advice on what to say around you and act around. One day, he mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date and you said yes. After a couple of dates, you two became official and you thought it was on appropriate for him to meet your father. Because he took you on a date in Italy, you used your powers to go back home and like always, Castiel was shocked on your powers. You walked into your house where your father was waiting for you and there you introduced your boyfriend "daddy, this is Castiel. He's an angel of the lord"  "Nice to meet you Mr.Strange, I've heard all the good things about you" "I approve y/n, a good man, but listen here Castiel, hurt Y/n in any way, I wok have everyone here in Kumar-Taj on you"

Wanda maximoff:   Your best friend was Pietro Maximoff,  her her brother that introduce you to her. Pietro knew that you would be very clumsy and shy around her because he knew you had a crush on her after he told you stories about his sister and when you met her, you wouldn't stop stuttering which Wanda found super cute. Eventually Wanda looked into your head and was super happy that you had a crush on her just like she did with you. Using her powers, she gave you an image on the to of you going out on a date. It was her way of saying "go out with me" you said yes and she took you to a movie. After the movie, the two of you went back to where she lived at the moment, SHIELD and got to know each other. Soon, you two were official and you already told your father about Wanda and he assumed you two were dating so he didn't have to meet her or anything. He approved of the girl

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