You have superpowers

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Captain America:

You can speak to animals

One day you were at the park, reading a book on a bench and a raven flies down.  "Can someone please give me food. I can't find any!" You looked up to see who said that and it came as a surprise that the Raven said it. You brought some crackers with you so you took them out and said "here, you can have my crackers. I can always go home and get some more" the raven looked at you "thanks" "your welcome. Also I can understand you" the Raven stopped halfway and said "that's amazing! You can speak to animals. Better tell your father miss Rogers" you smiled and left to tell your father who fainted after showing him.


You can control fire

One day, you were just hanging around at the fireplace with your dad in Asgard. Your father had some training to do so you were left with your grandmother (in this preference, Frigga is alive) You were wondering how your dad was doing. You were fidgeting around with your fingers when you saw fire figure of your father on the fireplace. Your grandmother gasped just as your father walked in and saw the figure. You smiled and whispered to yourself "I can control fire" your father picked you up and spun you around while smiling. "Congrats my little one! You have a superpower!"

Iron man:

You have mind control

It was during school when you did this. Your teacher was going to give you an exam today, an exam you nor did the class study for. You were hoping she would postpone the test and she did, her eyes turned purple and she postponed it. Some people saw your eyes turn purple because when class was finished, almost everyone asked if you controlled her mind. You nodded and smiled. Your father knew he been mind controlled when you wanted chocolate because you had your period and your father wouldn't give you any for breakfast.


You can fly

You were waiting outside of the school for your father to pick you up on a S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter. You got tired of waiting and daydream what it was like to fly. When you snapped out of your trance, you were thirty feet off of the ground! You smiled and flew to look for your father. When you found the helicopter, you saw the avengers. You knocked on one of the mini Windows and scared the heck out of iron man by making him scream like a fangirl. Everyone laugh and open the door for you to fly in. You flew in and everyone applaud at your superpower. 


You can control water

You were sitting by a lake one day watching the kids play and the older kids study or chat. You always wonder what it was like to have friends since you were often bullied. You were enjoying the peace and imagining yourself at a beach, near the ocean playing with dolphins. That's when you heard something splash out of the water. You looked and saw Dolphins. Everyone was amazed, you looked at your right hand and saw an aqua blue nail polish color on your fingers nails with a dark blue, light blue and white wave design moving. That's when you knew that you were able to control water. You put on a show for everyone before leaving. When you arrived home, you started doing your homework. You were thirsty and was too lazy to grab the cup filled with water, you used your powers to then drink the water. That's when your father came with uncle Steve, uncle Steve fainted and your father was petrified. You then used the water to make him snap out of it. He then hugged you and together, you used water to wake up uncle Steve.


Since you had a metal arm, you didn't really have any amazing powers but you did get superhearing! One day you were walking out of the avengers tower when you heard tony yelling at Thor from the rooftop. You were shocked but then realizing, you can listen to anyone from miles away! Think about the person and bam! You are able to hear what they say. Needless to say, you used advantage that to get all the answers right on your exams. After telling everyone about this new power, they would hire you for hearing plans from their enemies. It was awesome


Your eyes were a different color with different abilities. One was night visions and the other was to levitate things. You also have the power to heal (read "you get bullied preference and "your special talent" preference to understand this)

Your father found out about your eyes when there was a blackout. Himself and a couple of people that worked for him kept breaking things, falling down the stairs, going into the wrong bathroom, and constantly bumping into people. For you, you could see and managed to avoid every little thing. Your father saw you in the dark and asked how you were able to do stuff without even trying. "My eyes have powers. One is night vision and the other is to levitate things" you said, he nodded and you had to lead him to the couch. Soon as he sat down, you levitated the couch. When the light came back on, your father screamed like a girl.

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