Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

:Severus Snape

"A bloody lion!" Weasly screeched, his voice so hitched and loud I could hear it from the breakfast table.

"you cant be serious" Seamus replied. Hes just lying he looks perfectly fine, seeking attention after he sent her away. Bloody cunt. His thoughts read.

"I am! I went to the shrieking shack to meet up with-" His cheeks turned red. "And it was there and it attacked me!"

"Ronald" Ginny rolled her eyes. "No one can make a magic lion"

"I'm telling you it was a magic lion!" He threw his hands up.

"And I'm telling you it wasn't. No one can make a magic made lion that glows and sparkles like your trying to say" she stated with a roll of her eyes. "Its simply not possible. People can create and invent a new animal with magic but they cant make the thing your saying" she snuffed.

He looked between her and Seamus before giving a outraged puff. "I'm telling you what I saw!" He stood and slammed his hands down on the table before wheeling off out of the dinning room.

My eyes flickered over to my house table and found Jewl's whispering with Percy both of whom have large grins on their face. The Riddle twins looked similar as they picked at their breakfast till the other one stood and walked away from the table.

Draco wasn't present at the table and neither was Jamison. I frowned but pushed the feeling away as I stood and left to head back to my class to add something to the potion.


"Sir" I glanced up from my book as Draco came walking in with Potter in tow. They both mirrored each other.

Draco had one part of his button up long sleeved dress shirt tucked in the other not, three buttons from the top left unbuttoned. His hair mused. While Potter's usual messy hair was standing on end all over his clothes wrinkled and as usual hanging from his slip frame.

"Did you look at it-?" He asked as they stopped in front of my desk.

"I have"

"Is it possible?" the desperation in his voice was almost enough to make me feel sad for him but I pushed those feelings aside as I closed the book.

"it is possible" I began as I looked between them. "The fact the creature was able to do such a thing is shocking meaning the person who created it was a skilled and highly trained wizard." I informed him. "It does let us know she is fine and well."

"and who is Honey?" he demanded and Potter's head snapped up as he glanced between us as if realizing now he was in my class room. "Who the hell is that bastard?!"

I blinked at his hostility toward Honey. Knowing full well who it was and I myself shock at having seen it play out the way it had. "I don't know" I lied smoothly and his face turned red with anger. "But we do know the most important thing Malfoy-that she is fine. That she is breathing and well"

He took a calming breath and groaned. "Yes but-"

"we want her back" Potter finished looking over at him. "We just want her safe" he looked at me with miserable green eyes. They had black bags under them his face looked twice his face because of the lack of sleep, his glasses clung to the tip of his nose threatening to fall off. "we just want her here safe" he whispered again looking down.

I frowned between the two who where acting like lost puppy's without a master. Was Granger really the glue that held the two together? The common interest between them?

Unleashed Darkness -Book Two of In The Den of Snakes- *Harry Potter FanFic*Where stories live. Discover now