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Bold Italicized and Underlines are my thoughts. Not her's. Also she just started highschool in America. A few months later.
These is all the possible groups I could be in. I chose not to be in a group or click. I hang out with Netflix and YouTube. I'm going to change my socail status. Today is the first day of senior year of high school. I decided to wear the cutest outfit in the mall. I went shopping for new clothes 2 weeks ago. I headed to school on my skateboard. I'm only a 5 minute walk from my house to the school. I did a few tricks just to show off to myself. I noticed the was some one looking at me from across the street. He looks kinda fimilar. To my luck I have to cross the street so now I could get a better look. He has brown hair and blue eyes that are un-describe-able-ly beautiful. His hair is in a slight quaff. he is easily 5"9' more or less.  "You're going to skateboard in that." the boy that was staring at me said. "Yeah. I'm safe I've been doing this for 5 years without ruining my outfit."I say with a slight smile. "Hi. I'm Gabe. Gabe Johnson."he said. He's really cute." Hi. I'm Alison. Alison Sortori. I just moved here." I said repeating his words with my name. "Cool. Can I call you Ali." he asked. "Sure." I said. "Do you have anyone showing you around yet?" he asked. "Nope." i said knowing what the next question would be. "Maybe I could show you around. I lived here for all my life." he suggested. "Why not." I said with a smile. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing, but I don't know why.

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