Chapter 13 - Emanuel's Battle

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

I ran down the street towards the river, where I found Emanuel at the side, facing a boy who looked to be 14 years old. He had black hair, blue eyes, a green and yellow sleeveless sweater, yellow cargo pants and light blue sneakers.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

???: So, who are you supposed to be?

Emanuel: Name's Emanuel. And it looks like Choas Bringer sent me to battle against you!

???: Ha! My battle is supposed to be against a girl named Madalyn. Not some lame boy.

Emanuel: Madalyn's the one who's lame!

I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side with my nose in the air.

???: You mean?... You?... You beat Madalyn?

Emanuel: Who cares about Madalyn!

I faced him again with a grin on my face.

Emanuel: Did you come here to battle Mr. Not so big shot?

???: Ok, but you'll be sorry cause I'm gonna whip you good!

We both brought out our Transformers Tablets and faced each other.

Emanuel and ???: Ground Bridge! Open!

The tablets lit up and the white light with the Predicon and Autobot insignias surrounded us. As time began to slow down, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see who it was, and I saw a teenage girl running down the hill. It was Madalyn.

Madalyn: Wait for me!

Just before time stopped, Madalyn jumped into the white light at the last second, joining me and the boy in the colour dimension for the battle.

Madalyn: Emanuel, what do you think your doing?

Emanuel: Here's a better question, what do you think your doing, following me?

Madalyn: Well, I thought you might have found my Transformers Tablet.

Emanuel: Is this it?

I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to her.

Emanuel: You dropped it back at the grocery store, and I picked it up for you.

Madalyn: Thanks!

She took it from my hand, and just as she was about to re-attach it to her belt, She looked at the screen to see an envelope.

Madalyn: Huh? I got a message...... Hang on! Your not Chaos Bringer!

???: Hello?! Waiting to battle over here!

Emanuel: Please Maddie! I know what your thinking, but let me battle him! Chaos Bringer set up this battle, and he's the one who took Blurr from me! I want to have my revenge Maddie! I want it! I know it's a no big deal for you, but it's the whole entire world to me!

Madalyn: I don't know.....

???: Come on!

The boy ran towards us being inpatient.

???: Let's get this show on the road already!

Madalyn: Keep your shirt on! Your in a hurry to lose?

The boy looked at Madalyn with a confused look.

Madalyn: Cause Emanuel's gonna whip you big time!

Emanuel: Really?

Madalyn: Yep!

And with that, the battle finally began.

It's Time To Duel (Transformers Legends) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now