Chapter 15 - The Combination Battle

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn & Emanuel & Kenta & Kengi: Ground Bridge! Open!

All four tablets lite up and the white circle of light surrounded us. Me and Emanuel had the Autobot and Predicon insignias while Kenta & Kengi had the Autobot and Decepticon insignia. As time slowed down to a halt, the white light glowed brighter and brighter and the four of us were transported to the Colour Dimension battlefield, ready for battle.

Kenta & Kengi: Doom card! Set!

They both threw their doom cards in the middle of the battlefield and two purple Shockwave's spread themselves across the floor of the battlefield.

Madalyn & Emanuel & Kenta & Kengi: Game card set!

We each launched one game card from our tablets into the battlefield. They glowed and grew bigger. It was now Kenta's turn.

Kenta: Autobots! Roll out!

He fired his first Autobot card onto the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red muscule car.

Kenta: Windcharger! Transform!

The card glowed and Windcharger came speeding out, transforming into his robot mode.

Kenta: Ability card activate! Windcharger Inforcement!

Red fire circled around Windcharger's body as he punched his fists together.

Tablet: Autobot Windcharger attack level raised to 2800.

Madalyn: Ha! What a bone-head! He's using the Autobot faction just like me!

Emanuel: Wait Maddie! What if its some kind of a trap?

Madalyn: A trap?

Emanuel: Get with the program, haven't you learned anything from Optimus?

Madalyn: Of course I have! Look, I know if I set up my Inferno, he's got the skills to take Kenta's Windcharger! Autobots! Roll out!

I fired my first Autobot card into the battlefield.

Madalyn: Inferno! Transform!

The card glowed and Inferno went blazing out of the card in his vehicle mode with his sirens going off as he transformed into his robot mode.

Kenta: Your up Kengi, now go!

Kengi: Decepticons! Rise up!

Kengi fired his first Decepticon card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a grey and red helicopter.

Kengi: Vortex! Transform!

The card glowed and the helicopter flew out of the card and transformed into its robot mode.

Kengi: Ability card activate! Electro-net!

Vortex shot the electro-net at Inferno, raising him up into the air.

Kengi: Check it out Brother, the Electro-net is an ability card that let's you move any transformer to another card in the battlefield.

As he said that, Vorex moved Inferno to the game card Windcharger was standing on. The game card opened and the battlefield turned into an abandon city, powering up Windcharger even more. Windcharger punched inferno right in the face, sending him flying off the battlefield and through the doom portal.

Madalyn: No! Infreno!

Windcharger glowed and transformed back into his card form, returning to Kenta in victory.

It's Time To Duel (Transformers Legends) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now