The Rule Of Three {NOT FINISHING}

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"I'm done with your lies, Jake!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. I'm well aware that I must look like hell right now, but I really don't care. All I care about is getting as far away as possible from him.

"Kay, please don't be like this! You haven't even let me explain, just" Jake tries to interrupt, but I'm not going to let him try and speak. I've learnt from experience that letting Jake try and explain himself will lead to me forgiving him. How could I have been so stupid, all this time?

Fresh tears erupt from my crystal blue eyes as I realise it was all a game to him. Everything we did, all the words he said... they were all part of this sick plan. It's so obvious now. And the worst thing is, my own family was in on it.

"Kayra please, I was going to tell you, but..." My sister doesn't even finish her sentence, as I round on her with a glare loaded with hatred. The crowd of half-drunk teenagers around me have their eyes set on the action, watching us like we're a film.

"Don't even try to redeem yourself," my voice cracks as I shout at her. My sister, the one person I thought I could genuinely trust, aside from Sam. One of the only people who knew the true reason why I had moved to West Jeffery High, the last person I thought would be the one to tear my world down. She cowers behind Jake, tears glistening in her eyes. I ball my hands up into fists as Jake takes another breath to speak, but he thinks better of it once he notices the growing fury building up inside me.

"Kayla..." he says, more cautiously than pleading. He knows full well how easy it would be for me to knock him out in ten seconds flat, and I laugh internally at how I used to think he was so brave as I see him backing away. Just as I'm about to launch myself at the two, I feel strong hands on my shoulders. I turn sharply, almost throwing a punch towards who was holding me back, before I saw it was Sam. He had a hard, composed look on his face, but I could tell by the way he was biting in his lip, that he was close to losing it.

"Embers, you'd better just leave, right now," Sam says, staring at Jake. Being the egotistical jerk I now know he is, Jake smirks, lifting an eyebrow at Sam.

"and I suppose you're going to make me, are you Knights," he scoffs. I grit my teeth, pulling against Sams tightened grip on me.

"don't tempt me," Sam snarls, and now it's me holding him back.

"Knights won't force you out, but we sure as hell will," a new voice announces, from behind us. We all freeze, surprised. Everyone turns, and my eyes widen to see The Three were the ones speaking. I narrow my eyes, confused. Why were they sticking up for me, surely they'd be on Jakes side? My confusion is obviously shared, as Jake looked shocked. He leaves my traitor of a sister, and walks unsurely towards the new focus of attention.

"er, you're joking, right Blake?" Jake asks, hesitantly. Blake, I guess who would be the leader of The Three, laughs. His perfectly styled blonde hair seems darker in the dim light as he runs a hand through it casually. Jake visibly relaxed, and laughs along. Out of nowhere, Blake's smile drops and he slams his fist into Jakes stomach. My voice is one of a chorus of gasps, as Jake groans, clutching his middle.

"do I look like I'm joking?" Blake asks rhetorically, before he bends down to Jake's face level. Jake looks in intense pain, and shuffles back in panic as Blake gets closer.

"get out of here, now" he whispers, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Jake nods quickly, and half runs out of the house. There's a stunned silence before the spectators erupt into hushed conversation. I feel their eyes on me, and pull a hand over my mascara-streaked eyes. Sam pulls me to his side, giving me a hug. I bury my head in his chest, before he pulls back and looks at me.

"Kay, you deserve so much more than that... That idiot. He's blind, stupid and mentally insane for hurting you like that," Sam says sincerely. Tears gather in my eyes again at my best friend's words, and I wrap my arms around him again to stop the tears from falling, holding him tight.

We pull apart when someone clears their throat, silencing the room. I turn to see Blake Samuels, the very guy who just saved me, and incidentally, the very guy who is considered the equivalent to a Greek God to most girls, and actually a fair few of the guys.

"thank you," I say, still shocked that he helped. Blake shrugs, as if it was nothing, smiling at me.

"Embers had it coming to him, he's a prat. You could do much better than him, love," Blake says, grinning at me. I offer a tentative smile back, cursing myself when I feel my cheeks heat up. Jacob Mears, the second member of The Three, saunters towards us, nodding at me in greeting. Kyle Newton, the remaining third, follows him up.

"don't worry about Jake, Kayla, we'll make sure he doesn't bother you. I've been wanting to see him punched like that since I found out," Jacob says, and Sam nods in agreement. I look from Sam to Jacob, then back again in utter confusion. Why were they all being so nice suddenly? I had barely spoken to Jacob in the last year, and had only exchanged a few words with Kyle when I had sat next to him in History, but I'd never even come close to conversation with Blake. Sam shrugs and smiles at my baffled expression, putting an arm around me.

"I think I'll just take Kayla home then guys, thanks for.. Er, y'know" Sam cleared his throat awkwardly before leading me away towards the door, then out to his car.

"Sam, why did the three most popular guys in what seems to be the entire city just..." I started, and he laughed, cutting me off.

"I haven't the slightest" he shook his head, bemused, before unlocking the door and starting the car. I stared out of the window at the bright lights illuminating the road, and tried to keep the new flow of tears from escaping. I only realise we've slowed down when I hear Sam's annoyed grunt.

"what's happened?" I ask, craning my neck over the traffic queue we're now stuck in. I can just about make out flashing lights, as if from a police car or something.

"I'm not sure, accident I think. It's like eight cars away, but there's something blocking the whole road," Sam answers. Putting his head out the window to try and get a better view. The driver in front, a guy about our age, gets out and walks over to us. I've never seen him before, but as he greets Sam with a handshake, it's obvious Sam's friends with him.

"do you know what's going on?" Sam asks his friend. His mate shakes his head, and smiles at me, like he'd just noticed I was sat there.

"okay, Kay, stay here, I'm going to walk up and check what's going on. Derek mate, stay here with her yeah?" Sam says, not even waiting for Derek to answer before getting out and jogging towards the lights. Derek and I sit in an awkward silence, before he clears his throat and asks what school I go to. We attempt small talk for a while, before I see Sam's familiar jet black hair glint in the light as he runs back towards us. I sigh in relief, smiling as I begin to ask what it is. I stop mid breath as I see Sam's panicked expression, and worry fills my mind, overpowering the question on my tongue.

"So what is it, dude?" Derek asks, oblivious to the tension on Sam's face. Sam looks at him, like he forgot he'd left him here, before murmuring something about an accident and thanking him for staying with me. Once Derek was safely in his own car, I look to Sam.

"it's a car accident.. And.. I recognise the people being pulled into the ambulance," Sam tells me, hesitantly.

A heavy dread settles in my stomach, as I croak out a "who?" even though I know from his face who the bodies were.

"it was them. Jake, and your sister," Sam says.

I suddenly can't control my breathing, and in my panic, the last thing I see is Sam's concerned face before I fall into darkness.


Hellooooo! I'm probably just talking to myself but ah well :D

Um vote, comment (vommentv? No that sounds vile sorry) and I'll give you all Skittles. YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T RESIST THE SKITTLES

~ CouldWeBeInfinite

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