7:45am, Tuesday 11th August, 2017

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The glow of the morning sun lights up New York City. Innocent men and women drive around, rushing to work.  The noise from an alarm wakes Issac abruptly. Frustrated, he gets up out of bed and makes a cup of coffee to start his day off. He walks out on the veranda of his overhead apartment, looking over the streets of New York, while sipping on his coffee.  After a while, Issac walks back inside, to see his 14 year old son, George, sitting on the couch. "Mornin' dad!" George smiles.

 Isaac jumps onto the couch next to his son. "Whatcha watching?" he asks. "Just some cartoons" George replies, not looking away from the TV. "Daddy!!!" Mikaela runs and jumps on Issacs back and hugs him tightly. "Morning sweetheart!" Isaac laughs "Ready for school?" Mikaela nods.

 Isaacs wife Samantha smiles. "Come on Mikaela, time to go" Mikaela gets up and kisses her dad on the cheek, then runs over to her mum. "Bye honey, love you" Samantha walks over and kisses Issac. "Cya dad" George hugs his father and leaves with Samantha and Mikaela. As the door shuts, Issac immediately grabs his computer and lights a cigarette.

"Ive got work to do"

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