Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sarah’s POV

“Hello?” I asked into the phone while walking away from the living room into the hall. I was curious as to who it was. I don’t get called very often, usually I just text everyone…

“Sarah? It’s Luke. We need to talk.” Luke was my boyfriend. I wondered why he wanted to talk.

“Ok? What’s up? Is everything ok?” I asked, a little nervous. I hope everything is alright at home.

“Yeah, sure, everything is fine, it’s just..”

“Just what? What’s going on?”

“You know what, nevermind, it was stupid. I love you and I miss-“ He seemed to think better than to continue what he was about to tell me, and was about to hang up when he was interrupted by a high pitched voice.

“Luke, that was so much fun, I wish we could do that every night. You are soo good in bed. Why can’t that bitch be on holiday more often?” No. No. No, this can't be happening. That was obviously Lily's voice. How could he do that to me? He knows I dislike her, so much! Also, he was cheating. No. My boyfriend, cheating on me. I mean I know that things weren't going to well but still. This was never the way it was supposed to happen. We were supposed to work things out, get married and have kids. No way. This is not happening.

"Sarah? Are you there? Let me explain! It's not what you think it is" Pathetic.

I hung up and froze for a couple of minutes, incapable of moving. After a while I dropped my phone. It was probably going to have a few cracks in the screen, but that was the last thing I was thinking about at the moment. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that this had already happened before.  I dropped to the floor and started crying. I was full on sobbing for probably ten minutes when I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

“Sarah? Oh my gosh, are you ok?” I heard a panicky voice with a British accent ask me. I didn’t have to look up to see who the voice belonged to. Harry.

“L-luke was ch-cheating on m-me” I managed to choke out between sobs. Everything was quiet for a while, nothing could be heard except for my cries. Suddenly I saw Harry sit down next to me, and I felt him starting to rub my back.

“Shhh, everything will be ok. He doesn’t deserve a pretty girl like you anyway.” He reassured me. We probably sat like that for another couple of minutes until I felt like I was calm enough to go back to the others.

We walked back into the room, and everyones attention moved to us. I could tell that nobody was going to ask what was wrong, but I saw Paola shoot me a look that said “We’ll talk about this later”. After continuing our game of truth or dare for half an hour when we decided we were getting bored of it. That’s when Zayn came up with the most brilliant idea ever.

“Let’s go to a club”

“I don’t think that’s a very good plan.” Harry and I started protesting right away. We were more quiet, calm people who didn’t really like partying all that much.

“Oh come on, you’re such spoilsports!” Paola complained. All of a sudden everyone started arguing at once. Seeing as I already had a headache from all the previous events, this wasn’t exactly very nice.

“All right, everyone shut up!” I said as loud as I possibly could without making my head burst. “Why don’t you guys go to a club, while Harry and I stay here and have a movie night or something?”

“That sounds like a great idea” Niall agreed smiling.

“Good” I said, somewhat relieved that it had worked.

“On one condition; you help me get ready and you do my makeup” Paola said whilst grinning mischievously.

“Finneeeee” I groaned. Paola and I said our goodbyes and made our way up to my room, after having agreed that we would all meet in the lobby at 8 o’clock. Harry and I would go back up to the rooms, and they would leave.

Family Vacation- A Liam James Payne FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now