Chapter 3

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Sarah's POV

"Ah look, it's you again" Niall said with a grin.

"It is indeed" I replied. Smooth Sarah, smooth.

"Who are they?" I just now noticed that Liam was actually standing next to Niall. Oh my gosh, this is seriously cool. Hah, look at Paola's face, she's so lame. She's also head over heels in love with Liam. Wow, this must be killing her on the inside. She's keeping her act together pretty well though, I must say. I'll have to compliment her on that later.

"This is Sarah and this is Paula-"

"Paola" I corrected automatically. So many people call her Paula, it's actually kind of annoying...

"Sorry, Paola, I met them in the lobby earlier. They're fans"

"Oh ok," Liam replied with a smile, "nice to meet you".

"You too!" Those are the first words she's managed to get out so far. I feel like I'm taking this whole "meeting-your-favorite-band-in-the-whole-world-thing" a whole lot better than her. Oh well, just wait until we meet Harry, then I'll act just as pathetically as Paola is right now.

"So what are you guys up to?" I asked the two boys while we walked in the direction of our room. I actually can't believe I'm managing to talk like a normal person. Pretty impressive.

"Not too much, just headed to our rooms to play some x-box with the other boys. What about you"

"Yeah nothing either, really. I think we were just going to talk, really.." I replied nonchalantly.

"Sounds interesting. Hey, maybe you could come over to our room later today. We're all bored out of our skulls, really." Liam suggested smiling at Paola. She just blushed and looked at the floor. Oh pleaasee, she's sooo crushing on him right now.

"We'd love to, if you don't mind"

"Not at all, see you later!"

"Ok bye!" I replied, turning in to our hallway. The two of us walked to Paola's room in silence, although that ended pretty quickly. As soon as we had closed the door, we started screaming our heads off. This was all crazy, who would have thought that this vacation would be so interesting?!

"OH MY GOD!" Paola exclaimed. I was to excited to tell her to watch her mouth.

"THIS IS NUTSSS" I replied instead.

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Me neither, but can you guess what I'm looking forward to most?"

"Um Harry? Harry's abs? Harry's hair? Harr-"

"Nooo. Telling Lily aaaaaalll about this" You see, Lily was pretty much our arch enemy at school. She was thee worst. The only thing she seemed capable of doing was talking behind peoples backs and boasting about various things, seriously. One time, she had gotten tickets to a one direction concert that we hadn't been able to afford, and literally all she did was boast about how she had met them, and how it had been obvious that Harry had looked at her butt and all that jazz. She even went so far as to claim that she and Harry had kissed, Like anyone would believe that. Lily is a blonde bimbo who is about as real as a flipping barbie doll. You would think that Harry would have more class than that.

"Oh my god-" This time I did warn her.

"Language" She rolled her eyes.

"Jeesh. Ok oh my gosh, that is so true!"

"Although she does claim that she has met them  already."

"Yeah, because everyone believed her Harry story. Have you met Lily?"

"Haha ok, anyway, we should probably start getting ready if we are going to go over there today" Paola sighed as she looked in the mirror.

"Yeah you're right, I look like crap" She said.

"No you don't! Although I would suggest you remove your smudged eyeliner from your cheeks" That earned me a punch in the shoulder.

-----About 500 cleansing wipes and mascara tubes later----

"There, done!" Paola exclaimed with a big smile, obviously proud of the fact that she hadn't taken the whole freaking year.

"Woop woop, way to go, I'm so proud. Can we leave now?"

"I do not appreciate your sarcasm young lady. And yes I guess so"


After leaving the room we headed towards the boys' room, only then noticing the fact that they had never told us where they were staying. We were about to turn around and go back to our rooms all depressed when we heard someone shouting at us to turn back. So we did, and lo and behold Niall had come to get us. What a sweetheart. We followed him into their room and I had to stop and take a deep breath, because right there in front of me was Harry Edward Styles, in a towel, having just showered. What. is. air. I also noticed that his jaw dropped the slightest bit when he saw Paola. She gets that reaction out of people. I can't say that I'm mad at her for it, although it does hurt a little when no one ever pays attention to me. My boyfriend, Luke, even tried flirting with her whilst being with me. Remind me again why I'm with that doofus? Anyway, where was I? Oh right, I'm always the ugly friend.

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