Chapter 1

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"Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary!" You said staring intensely at the mirror. You smirked as you flipped the light on and walked out. Everyone looked at you and gasped. "You did it!" "Your alive!" "Yep. Just a stupid myth." You said simply. "Then do BEN Drowned." A voice spoke up. Your eyes trailed to the voice to see Jennifer, in her stupid blue and orange cheerleader suit. "BEN Drowned?" You asked, you hadn't heard of it before, sounded stupid. Everyone was silent, exchanging glances.
"Your supposed to fill up a bathtub to your ankles, then look into the water and say BEN why did you drown 5 times." You rolled your eyes and walked back into the bathroom, and filled the tub. As you stepped in you made sure it was only up to your ankles. You looked into the water, and focused to the point you couldn't see any thing else. "Ben.... Why did you drown?" You got shivers down your back, it was just a stupid myth. "Ben, why did you...d-drown?" Were you shaking? "Ben w-why did you drown...?" Stay calm. It's stupid! "Ben..Why did you drown?" One more. Nothing would happen!  It was a stupid myth. "Ben... Why d-did you... drown...?" You felt your stomach churn as the water seemed to get red, although it quickly went back to the clear color. You didn't notice at the time but you started to hear whispers and slight laughs. You stepped out of the tub and got very light headed, you wobbled and fell into your mirror, it breaking in the process. Your entire left hand and foot was weirdly gushing blood, you tried to pick yourself up but failed, leaving blood covered hand prints in the process. A small pool of blood slowly started to form around your weak body, knocks were heard on the door and you never felt more stupid for locking it. Your attempt to scream ended in a low groan. Man that happened fast.
Your vision became red as if you were wearing a red painted monocle. You heard a song, it was faint but it was there. Downstairs the door slammed signaling they all left, the lights went out leaving you in darkness, and you saw two red dots appear.

BEN Drowned x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant