12 - Puppy Love

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    “Andy,” I uttered as I lay naked upon his bare chest.  My head was rested against the crook of his pectoral muscles, the sound of his heart beat making my mind come to a rest.  It was like the noise was a melody or a lullaby, causing my senses to dull and my head to fog.  It was beautiful and only strengthened the possible fact that he was not entirely human.

    “What?” he whispered, hand stroking the back of my hair affectionately while his eyes remained closed.  He breathed evenly, the weight of the world on someone else’s shoulders this day.  The light burned brightly through curtained windows, creating streaks of illumination through the dim bedroom.  I nuzzled against his flesh, kissing it delicately before I ran my fingers from his throat, over his arms and down to his belly button.  He chuckled lightly, twitching slightly when I hit a ticklish spot.  He leaned down gently to kiss my brow.

    “How did you find me?  I mean, my place,” I replied quietly, “Who told you?”

    “No one,” he stated as though he had a deeply funny secret.  I smirked at him, tilting my head and folding my arms on the bared plain of skin.  I was raising a brow, staring at his lips and closed eyes.  When suddenly the eyelids peeled back to reveal cerulean orbs, I couldn’t help the broad grin on my lips.

    “Well then how?” I questioned.  There was a faint blush on his cheeks that made me giggle gently.

    “You promise you won’t get mad?” he asked and I chuckled, wondering what he was talking about.

    “Alright I’ll bite,” I said, “What is it then?  Shoot.”  The blush deepened.

    “I uh…I followed you home from the hospital yesterday,” he admitted shyly, “I knew you worked there and I…had to talk to you, you know?  I just…I couldn’t anymore.” 

    “Couldn’t what?” I asked curiously and he tucked a few pieces of hair behind my ear.

    “Couldn’t deal with dreaming about you and doing nothing about it,” he uttered vulnerably before he reached down to meet our lips together for a split second.  My eyes shut and I shivered pleasantly from head to toe, wondering how I ever lived without that sensation.  “Well that and your dad called me threatening to cut my head off if I didn’t make things right with you.”

    I laughed aloud, cuddling closer to Andy and shaking my head.

    “Yeah, he would definitely say that,” I replied, nuzzling my face into the warmth of his chest.  He chuckled, a deep reverberating bass that caused my heart to tremble.

    I had never thought we would be here someday.  I hoped, I prayed and pleaded but I had never imagined for one instant that it would actually come true.  For all the pain and torment we had suffered, all the agony and heartbreak…did it come to this because we deserved to be happy?  Was this what our world would be like for the rest of our days?  I doubted it, but I hoped.  Hoping was better than relinquishing that flame and ending this symphony of wordless notions.  We hadn’t spoken much, hadn’t discussed what this all meant but inside we knew the truth.  We knew what it meant to be where we were now and understood what last night was.  There was no doubt inside of me that it was mutual, this understanding.  It was one of the small comforts I had been offered in this life and I took it without question now.  We deserved this small niche of happiness, this nook and cranny of love.

    Bullet whined from the side of the bed, her bright amber eyes seeming to pout as she wagged her tail.  I giggled and disentangled myself from the man laying in my bed before managing to stand.  It took me a moment to realize I had never done this before…never been naked in a room with a man…

The Wordless Symphony {Andy Biersack}Where stories live. Discover now