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I don’t pretend to own any characters from the real Harry Potter series, JK Rowling does and always will. But, nonetheless I’ve written about her characters and a couple of my own, enjoy.


            Morfin looked down at the woman. She was just as beautiful as she was pure, which was saying quite a lot coming from a wizard such as Morfin. Her blood came from a proud family, exactly which one he couldn’t truly remember because he’d been drunk at the time that they exchanged personal greetings.

            Over the course of that beautiful night, she displayed the prowess that Morfin had always hoped for in a woman and she also worshiped Salazar Slytherin, Morfin’s own ancestor. He hadn’t set out to bed the witch, but he was glad that he had. For, only moments ago, he had cast a simple charm and learned that the beautiful witch was impregnated with his seed. This child would be the true heir to Slytherin, not that bastard child of his squib sister’s.

            I will kill the child before I allow it to be a squib. He thought viciously. The simple thought of his own child being born magicless made his blood run cold. He wouldn’t be like his father, he wouldn’t be weak and keep a useless child without the right to be alive.

            Morfin watched the witch as she slept, and whispered to her softly in the language of the serpent. The woman didn’t stir at all, meaning that she certainly was a heavy sleeper. Morfin remained still, simply watching the sleeping woman before getting slightly irritated. In his mind, a woman was to wake before her man and cook and clean for him. If she didn’t wake soon, then he would have no choice but to teach her a well-deserved lesson. After all, there were other witches of noble birth. He could have another woman, one with purer blood.

            Morfin took out his wand slowly, it was a painful experience for him. He had never seen a witch so beautiful in his life, nor had he met one that actually took an interest in him. But, she wasn’t of purest blood, he was sure of it. He would have remembered her surname if she was.

            “Why are you staring at me?” She asked. The witch hadn’t even opened an eye. She simply had felt him watching her. Her voice was high and cold, but Morfin had known that already- he remembered that from last night. It was the voice of power, and Morfin found that enchanting. “I asked you a question.” She hissed, bolting out of the bed in a blindingly fast movement and towered over Morfin. He straightened his crooked spine as much as possible, but he was no match for her height.

            “I was only watching, wench!” He hissed, as he tightened his grip on his wand. This had made up his mind. He would not be insulted like that, especially from a woman. The witch smiled, almost. Her lips upturned, but her silver eyes were cold with fury. She moved faster than Morfin could ever dream. His wand flew away from him, landing across the room with a clatter. “You’ll pay for that!” He spat before charging at her. But, he was only a crippled man, and she was a powerful witch, with a wand at her disposal.

            She cackled as she flicked her wand rhythmically. Morfin collapsed to ground in writing pain. She had used the Cruciatus Cruse without so much as a whisper. Preforming magic like that was unheard of, not even the greatest dark wizards ever known couldn’t preform that type of magic. Morgana Le Fay herself, the most widely known and powerful dark wizard ever to have lived, couldn’t preform such magic inaudibly.

            Morfin’s body screamed, but he refused to make a sound. It seemed that The witch wanted only to hear the pain she was causing Morfin. And Morfin refused to give her that pleasure.

            “You’re weak, Morfin.” She said. This time, her voice had transformed in a soft and gentle tone that was as caring and kind as any voice could ever be. “You’re weak. You always have been, and always will be.” Her voice began returning back to a cold tone near the end of her sentence. Morfin was still under immense pain, but he hadn’t feared her until that point.

            “No.” He whispered. He jerked as the pain intensified and he whimpered slightly. For the first time since they met, the witch smiled.

            “A strong wizard would be able to stand up to this curse. You aren’t strong, you are weak. And, I will kill you.” She flicked her wand again, and Morfin was blasted backward, into the wall. When he came to, the witch was gone, and his blood was quickly staining the floor in a wet pool.

            He waited there for days, seeing as his father had been absent at the time, and Merope had been missing for months now. Not that he would have accepted nay help from that filthy squib anyways. During that time, he found that he couldn’t picture the witch that had attacked him. By the time his father returned, Morfin didn’t remember having ever met Wendy Mera. He didn’t even remember his unborn child.

____Ah, I’ve finished the first part. Please, give me your thoughts. I’ll try to keep my notes to a minimum from here on out. Thank you ever so much, yours truly, Lymric

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