Chapter 2, The Escape

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Chapter Two, The Escape

            Shaea stood in front of her closest, contemplating what on earth she should wear to diner. Her mother went thorough phases in which Shaea had to dress in evening gowns for dinner, and sometimes Shaea ate in her bathrobe. It all depended on what mood Nadia was in.

            The majority of Shaea’s clothes were dress robes, and nearly all of them were black. Of course, she had green and silver dresses so that she would have some formal attire for school. Otherwise, Shaea had only a few blue jeans and tee shirts, and all of them had been worn out from various Quidditch practice. She grimaced to herself at the thought of all her wipe outs. The road to becoming an excellent Keeper had not been particularly kind to her.

            Shaea rubbed her chest absently, her ribs still ached from Nadia resetting them. That’s why Shaea always went to Scorpius’ mum whenever she broke anything. Mrs. Malfoy always numbed the pain with one of many potions, or even a charm. Her own mother was never that considerate. Shaea was still standing in front of her closet in nothing but her underwear, when Wyrm came in with a loud crack.

            “Wyrm!” She hissed, using the clothes of the closet to cover herself. The house elf didn’t even look in her direction. He didn’t bow either. Something was wrong, Wyrm always bowed. He looked around the room three times in a hurry before stopping and staring blankly at the corner of the room. He stood there for a while, and Shaea watched him silently.

            When he finally came back to life, he had paled considerably. Shaea briefly wondered whether or not he was dying. She took a step towards him, but he cracked out of the room before Shaea even had the chance to reach him, finally she followed his gaze. Hidden beneath an ornate arm chair, was Kora. Nadia would be there any second with retaliation in her eyes. Shaea quickly slipped into a robe, and not a moment too soon.

            The doors to Shaea’s room flew open with an enormous clamor. The window panes exploded and a rain of glass pelleted down from the ceiling. She shielded her face as the glass came closer. Her mother hadn’t been anywhere near this upset since the Ministry took Adrian.

            “You!” Nadia hissed in Parseltongue. It was amazing that so much hate could be in a single voice, but when Nadia spoke in Parseltongue, the cold fury in her voice amplified to match that of the purest of evils. Shaea was instantly paralyzed at the sound of her mother’s voice and wanted nothing more to run. But, it seemed as though her body was no longer under the control of her mind.

            “You killed Kora!” Nadia hissed. Shaea flinched away from her mother, she’d never seen her mother that angry at her directly. In years past, her mum had only gotten that upset at the Ministry of the house elves, but never Shaea.

            “Mum, I-”

            “You insignificant worm! You are no daughter of mine!” Nadia hissed. Shaea’s mouth dropped open. Her mother may be cruel, but never in a million years had Shaea believed that her own mother would disown her. Sure, Nadia had disciplined her many times and they were often cruel punishments, but she’d always apologized for it later. And treated Shaea extremely well afterwards.


            “Crucio.” The sound of the spell reached Shaea before the actual curse had made it. Shaea wanted nothing more than to run away, to escape the pain that was sure to come. She’d never been under the curse herself, but she’d heard the house elves screaming, and she’d seen their vacant stares afterwards.

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