The Take Over, The Break's Just Beginning

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Ryan wasn't used to being in a relationship. It wasn't that he didn't like being in one, he just wasn't sure how to. Yeah, he knew he was supposed to hold his his hand and kiss him. Tell him he didn't look fat in his jeans and all that bull. Because that was the easy part.

The hard part was staying away from other attractive people. None of them looked as attractive as his boyfriend of course. Brendon was Ryan Ross pretty after all. But they still looked... Good. It took all his self will not to wink at the pretty girls staring at him. Or do double takes when he saw hot guys ogling him. It's what he would usually do.

But now he had Brendon. He was ninety six percent sure that his boyfriend wouldn't appreciate those actions. So he kept his eyes on him. Smiling at Brendon. Listening to Brendon talk. Staring at Brendon's lips. Laughing at Brendon's stories. But no one was perfect and sometimes his eyes strayed and stayed. Like they were doing right now as some cute, blonde guy walked past them.

"Ryan, what are you looking at?"

His eyes darted back to Brendon's face.


"What were you looking at?"

"Don't bite his head off." Pete interrupted them. Afraid it might come to an argument. "I'd stare if I saw a dye job that bad too."

"It was pretty bad." Gee lied. He didn't even look at the guy. He just knew when his friends needed back up.

"I didn't even notice." Brendon shrugged. Ryan mouthed a thank you to the guys.

"Do you work tonight?" Patrick asked.

"No. I took the night off. Ryan wants to go out tonight."

They stopped at their usual round table. Ryan sat down first. Brendon sat down beside him. Patrick sat beside Brendon. Pete beside Patrick. Gee beside Pete. Joe beside Gee. Spencer beside Joe. Jon beside Spencer. Andy between Spencer and Ryan. Their little clique had doubled in size since Brendon and Ryan started dating.

"Did anyone do professor Roger's homework?" Brendon asked.

"No." Gee rolled his eyes. "I hate his fat ass. Always calling on me. Telling me to put my phone away. Yelling not to eat in his class. His voice is so annoying." Gee cleared his throat. Ready to imitate the older man. "Gerard put that makeup up! This is a college not cosmetology school."

Jon frowned. "He's right you know."

"Wow. You are always on his side." Gee glared at him. "I have a question for you, Jonny boy."


"Does professor Roger's dick taste good in your mouth?"

"Do those Fs look good on your papers?"

"Hey!" Andy chimed in. "He made a C on Western Cultures test!"

"It was a D." Patrick giggled.

"That's probably because he got the D from the western cultures teacher." Ryan laughed.

"Does that actually work?" Joe asked and everyone at the table stared at him with wide eyes. "Not that I was actually going to try it!" He added quickly. "I get good grades."

"You get good dick." Pete corrected.

"Dude, you totally set yourself up for that one." Spencer shook his head.

The chorus of distant church bells interrupted their discussion. That meant it was already midday. Everyone began getting up from the table to head to their next class.

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