"What for?"asked May, shutting the window as the cold air of the late November night filled the room. I go to my closet and grab some boy clothes.
"Where did you get these?"
"They're Zack and Tommy's. Put it on so we can go see them."
I threw on Zack's old jeans and white shirt with some basic old sneakers and May put on a striped shirt with khaki pants.
"Here,"I said, stuffing May into a dark hoodie,"This will keep you hidden."
"What about you? How are you gonna stay hidden?"
"I have my ways."I grabbed the DO NOT DISTURB sign and hung it on the door knob. Quietly, we left the room with our heads down. One chaperone, Megan, walked by us.
"Hey boys, what you doin' here?"She suspiciously asked with her arms across her chest.
"We..uh..we came to ask Britana a question,"I said with my faced hidden as I attempted a deep voice. The moment was silent, as if Megan was thinking about the whole encounter.
"Ok well..you better get on to bed,"She whispered. Smiling, we ran up the stairs to the third floor, the boy's floor."How did she buy that?"snickered May. I shrugged, still smiling, and knocked ferociously on Zack and Tommy's door.
"Hey"mumbled a sleepy Zack. Already in his pajamas, we barged into the room, knocking down both Zack and Tommy.
"What are you even doing here?"asked Zack, who was now wide awake from the push.
"We wanted to visit,"I teased.
"'How did you get here?' Is what I meant."
"That's a secret. But I'm here because I wanted to talk to you all about something and we had to be together. We should abandon this place."
"I don't think that's a good idea,"intruded May. Tommy put his arm around his girlfriend and he nodded his head.
"I think she's right guys."
"Oh please,"scoffed Zack,"You're only agreeing because she's your girlfriend."
"Excuse you, no. He has a mind of his own. He doesn't have to back up my ideas if he disagrees with them,"explained May. Tommy nodded his head in agreement.
"Well..you kinda like..force him to agree on stuff,"I added innocently.
"Maybe you should mind your own business, ever think about that? I don't need anyone's opinion,"scowled May.
"Then why did you even comment in the first place? Lillian just put an idea out there but you ruined it all,"icily said Zack.
"Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? I already said that that idea isn't going to work. Do you even pay attention to your surroundings?"
"And since when did you become in charge of all of our ideas? When? 'Cause I do not recall that day."
The arguement turned from talking into shouts, from shouts to yelling, from yelling to trouble. There was a knock at the door and suddenly, the yelling came to a stop.
"You guys ok in there?"asked a familiar voice. Is this really happening?...And wait...is that..Megan? Oh my gosh, we need to get out of here, I thought.
Poking May, I caught a glimpse of her face and she was terrified. She looked at me and I pointed out the window, mouthing the words,"We need to go out there and up our room."
She shook her head as Tommy stalled Megan.
"Megan..is that YOU? Have I told you how much your my favorite chaperone?"he asked, his voice trembling as he looked at us climbing out the window.I grabbed onto a brick block that was slightly sticking out and with all my strength, pushed myself up. My legs dangle over the city lights. Oh no, I thought as I was beginning to lose my grip. I climbed the wall as if I was a mountain climber. Leaping slightly, I grabbed onto another brick and I pushed myself with my foot. Peering down, I noticed that May was struggling.
"GRAB ON TO MY LEG!"I yelled.
I could feel May's weight shift onto my one free leg. Our window into view, I quickly scrambled up the brick wall, soon to feel comfort of the freezing wood floor under my bare feet.
"Yeah, I'm not doing that again. Ever,"whispered May as she tucked herself into bed with boy clothes and all. I shrugged, a sign of giving up, but a plan was cooking up on my brain. I smiled at my brilliant plan while May whispered a soft "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, May."