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Richelle walked down the long hallway thinking to herself, her hands gripping the brick wall. She finally stops.
'Everything has been so different.' Richelle says to herself whilst tears pouring out. She wakes up from daydreams to reality. She sees Abi and Noah walking down the hall. Ever since they had gotten together Noah has been popular. And now Richelle likes Noah even more, despite she promised herself to never like cliche guys.Noah is one of them now and everyone loves him. Everyone wants to be with him, guys want to be him girls want to love him. 'Cliche dumb guys!' Richelle thinks to herself thinking about Noah meanly though Noah did not hear.
What happened? The two used to be great friends, and now Noah doesn't even know Richelle. He ignores her and pretend he doesn't exist, why?

Richelle walks along until she ends up at the music room along side studio A. All the A- troupers and people auditioning for Regionals were packed up in a single fialed line. 'Well that's the first time that's ever happened.' Had Richelle thought to herself seeming that it's the first time it's ever happened. Richelle meets along the two.
"Witch one, should I audition for A- troupe, or practice my dancing in the music room?" Richelle said to herself confidently as her mind raced to make a quick decision to join the other dancers for the auditions so it she wouldn't be alone. Her brain thought it wouldn't be healthy for her to be alone a lot since her parents haven't been at the house so much after the devastating loss of her dad's job.
"I know dad won't like this decision, but I need to audition." She said to herself as a girl turned around, someone who she hadn't have seen in awhile.
"Oh, hello Richelle." The familiar girl said. "It's been a while."
"Why is has certainly." She stated happily trying to make her be like her old self when she had left, the girls name was.."
"Emily, we need your help." Riley had panted. After Emily's injury, she's finally healed! And now she can dance again in witch reasoning she auditioned for A- troupe.
"Yes, sure sis." Emily says.
"Great, now all of my friends aren't talking to me anymore." Richelle stated in anger to herself. She thought about everyone she's lost after Emily's left. Noah, Camille, Emily. Her only friend she had at the moment was Skylar, and she was certainly busy.

Richelle sighed as Kate got everyone to come in, and then she noticed it was her chance to talk to Noah since Abi was talking to Shannon, a former elite member. Richelle rushed up to the boy with a leather jacket and jeans, wearing his dance stiff as the second layer, he was also wearing a fashion designer scarf. So it seems like as Richelle's life was fading away, Noah's life was just beginning.
"Hey Noah!" Richelle says excitedly.
"Who are you?" Noah asks.

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